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Who's going to invite me for Seder in Israel?

New immigrant Natalie Blenford loves her life in Israel...but a week before the chag, she had no invitations for Seder night.

April 18, 2019 14:35
You'll never be alone on Seder night in Israel
2 min read

I was on FaceTime with my luminous niece and nephew last week, when I realised Pesach was seven days away and I didn’t have a Seder.

Tel Aviv is a sociable city and since making Aliyah 18 months ago, I’ve been lucky enough to bond with people at yoga, in coffee shops, at ulpan, in bars – even while apartment hunting and sub-letting in Tel Aviv. But when it comes to inviting myself into other people’s family homes, well, the British part of my brain usurps the new Israeli bit. It feels undignified and desperate to ask for a seat at someone else’s Seder table. So at first I sat back, moped and waited for a Passover miracle to happen.

My dear friend Richard, himself a fellow oleh chadash, was the first to pick up on my subliminally needy vibes.

“Did you find a Seder?” he texted. “Umm, not yet,” I replied. “Well you have an open invitation to Yerucham,” he said. “But you’d have to stay for three days.”