
Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Pig?

JW3 is planning a Jewish Chanukah panto every year. Its first knockabout script is an auspicious start

December 14, 2023 17:49
Red Riding Hood & The Big Bad Pig, JW3, London, Britain - 08 Dec 2023
© Jane Hobson 07798 794205
1 min read

Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Pig


Four stars

There is every reason to believe that JW3 will succeed in their ambition to mount a Jewish Chanukah panto every year. For the first, Nick Cassenbaum’s suitably knockabout script plays delightfully fast and loose with two fairytales imbuing both with a Jewish sensibility that makes this seasonal offering unlike any other on the theatrical landscape.

© Jane Hobson

With a tumbling Bubbah (Tiago Fonseca) and a vegan Wolf (a naturally very funny Lauren Silver) the evening is anchored by Gemma Barnett’s earnest, climate change-campaigning Red and elevated with rising methane gags by Debbie Chazen’s flatulent Dame, a one-woman wind farm exploited by Josh Glanc’s porcine, power-hungry energy magnate.

In the early stages of the show too much time is spent in front of a curtain instead of exploiting the depth of JW3’s stage. But other than that Abigail Anderson’s production is exactly the refuge from real life anxiety that we all need. Enjoy.

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