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Who needs men to give birth to firms?

For many, 2009 has not been the best time to share one’s wealth. But a group of pioneering women are bucking the trend.

September 9, 2009 15:42
Business angel: Jacquie Harris is eyeing up targets for her £200,000

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

For many, 2009 has not been the best time to share one’s wealth. Banks are locking down on lending, businesses are cutting their expenditures and charities are suffering. But a group of pioneering women are bucking the trend.

Addidi Business Angels, to be launched this autumn, is a female-only private equity club looking to invest in small businesses. According to reports, less than five per cent of business angels in the UK are women.

“I felt we needed to balance the scales,” says founder Anna Sofat. “If we as women are going to own more wealth, then we also have to invest in others.”

With this mission in mind, she is gathering a group of 100 women who will each contribute £20,000 to create an investment pot of £2 million.