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When borrowing can benefit

March 24, 2011 11:12

ByMartin Lewis, Martin Lewis

3 min read

Length isn't everything - when it comes to 0 per cent credit cards for spending that is. We are in the midst of a borrowing renaissance: the longest ever 0 per cent card of its type has been launched, giving 15 months interest-free spending, plus reward points. Done right, credit cards are the cheapest way to borrow: done wrong they can cost a fortune.

● Is borrowing right for you?

Debt isn't bad, bad debt is bad. Used correctly, a credit card can save, not cost, cash. Take someone who regularly attends football matches - if they don't have a lump sum for a season ticket, they pay more for individual tickets. Borrowing the money for the lump sum saves cash. Or, it may be to pay upfront for a new kitchen instead of using the shop's finance scheme. And with car insurance, if they say 'pay monthly', you repay the debt at a much higher rate than the cheapest credit cards.

● How to borrow properly