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What if the ‘Hot Rabbi’ was a woman?

Nobody Wants This...the Jewish woman’s rewrite

October 16, 2024 15:12
Kristen Bell and Adam Brody in Nobody Wants This. (Photo: Netflix)
3 min read

If over the past month you haven’t flicked through Netflix, read this newspaper or any others, scrolled through Instagram or chatted to any friends, let me introduce you to Nobody Wants This.

The hit rom-com follows a romance between a cute single rabbi (played by Adam Brody) and a non-Jewish sex podcaster (Kristen Bell) and has become such a sensation that the phrase “hot rabbi”, which to me was an oxymoron until just a few weeks ago, has been trending on social media. But other than the fact that Brody’s portrayal of a sweet, kind, philosophical young rabbi has made women around the world swoon, the series has also been widely criticised for its very unfavourable portrayal of Jewish women – and fairly so. Every one of them is whingy, catty, wily, humourless and has about as much warmth as a plate of chopped liver (which we can all agree is a dish best served cold).

I may be a Jewish woman myself but I will not exacerbate the stereotype by whinging about this injustice. Instead I have created a new version to redress the balance. In this Schleps and the City rewrite the protagonist is a hot, young, female rabbi. If you’re wondering whether she’s Reform or managed to become an Orthodox rabbi somewhere in America, you’re utterly missing the point. All you need to know is that she’s super-cool and quirky yet really wise and philosophical (without being preachy) and so funny too (but not at all attention-seeking), not to mention naturally beautiful without a speck of make-up or a blow-dry.
Scene 1:
l Hot Rabbi Noa arrives home to her brunette family and sighs deeply.

Having just met fun, quirky gentile Joe, with his cool floppy hair, all these Jewish men seem so sensible with their nicely ironed shirts and chinos and their hair that doesn’t flop – or exist. She finds Joe on Instagram and weirdly they don’t already have 3,052 mutual followers. It’s thrilling. She says a little prayer and sends him a message.

Scene 2:
l It’s Friday night and Hot Rabbi Noa has decided to cook a traditional Friday night dinner for her first date with cool, quirky Joe.