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‘We need more women in physical science’

Professor Rivka Isaacson, is the first female Jewish lab head in biophysics at Kings College, London since the legendary chemist Rosalind Franklin

August 29, 2024 13:19
4 min read

At her Charedi girls’ school in Manchester Rivka Isaacson recalls “sewing house coats for when we were at home with our future children and learning to mitre a corner for our future husband’s tallis bag”.

But life hasn’t panned out for Isaacson quite the way the school may have anticipated: at the age of 49 she has just won the Elspeth Garman Prize from the British Biophysical Society for excellence in science engagement. 

The oldest of seven siblings, Isaascon grew up in the strictly Orthodox community of Broughton Park, Manchester, where she went to  Beis Yaacov Girls School. While the school offered a good selection of GCSEs, the curriculum focused more on Jewish studies and domestic activities such as sewing and making puff pastry.

Baking challah aged 13[Missing Credit]

