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Visiting the Death Cafe

Death is inevitable, says Rabbi David Mason, but we are living longer and healthier lives. Let’s consider openly how we can prepare ourselves for our passage onwards

May 17, 2018 13:55
2 min read

I went to a café with a difference in Crouch End, recently a Death Café.

Yes, it is quite a morbid sounding name. No, it is not offering death by cream cake! It was a chance for a small group of people to get together over coffee and cake, and, through sensitive facilitation, talk about death in an open and safe manner. It’s an idea imported from the US, and a good one

I found great meaning and solace in the stories that we all shared. Some spoke of their fears. Others shared the experience of caring for a parent who was terminally ill or had passed away.

I thought about how this may work in my community and talked to a few members. Some felt this would be beneficial. Others were quite perturbed by the idea. Of course a Death Café is not for all. But talking about death may free many people from fearing it, and then may allow them to live life more to the full. Making plans for your own death will often reduce stress and burden for family members left behind. In Judaism, death is bound up with our system of belief. It is the point of transition between what we call “this world”, and ‘the world to come’.