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Uman nature: the pilgrims who flock to Ukraine

Photographer Gianluca Cecere has often photographed the Chasids who visit a rabbi's grave every year for Rosh Hashanah. But will they stay away this year?

September 24, 2022 20:16
MG 6445
September 11- 2018. Uman, Ukraine, Ultra orthodox jews pray at the bank of a lake formed by the Umanka River during Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
1 min read

Rosh Hashanah traditionally sees thousands of Chasidic men and boys - and a few women - travel to Uman in Ukraine, site of the grave of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.

There to photograph them on many occasions is the Italian photographer Gianluca Cecere. He is not religious himself but is fascinated by those with faither - and has befriended many Charedim, who ask for copies of his pictures.

This year pilgrims have been warned not to come because of the dangers while Russia attacks Ukraine. But reports suggest thousands are travelling to the region from Israel and America.

Last week an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed on Israeli public television the Russia planned to attack the visitors - a claim Russia denies.

Cecere's pictures, published in the JC's RH magazine, sum up the tranquillity and joy of previous pilgrimages. He hopes that life will one day return to normal in the region.