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Tutoring — for the digital age

Robert Grabiner wants to revolutionise the traditional way of tutoring.

January 24, 2013 10:17
All of MyTutorWeb’s tutors are university students

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

5 min read

A growing number of investors and businessmen believe that education is the one-to-watch sector for technology to disrupt.

Robert Grabiner is one of them. A former executive director of programme management at ABN AMRO, he has launched an online start-up, which he hopes could revolutionise the traditional tutoring market.

MyTutorWeb provides live, one-to-one, private tuition for GCSE and A-Level students over the web. By doing so, Mr Grabiner — the twin brother of prominent investor Stephen Grabiner, former head of global media at Apax Partners — believes he can cut the cost of tutoring by around 50 per cent.

Father-of-two Mr Grabiner says: “Like most parents, I wanted my children to be tutored by someone excellent, but the cost can be prohibitive. It occurred to me that the advances in technology mean that this no longer has to be the case.”