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Vancouver: Gold standard

We make a return trip to Vancouver to find it reaping Olympic dividends.

February 16, 2012 11:57
A cityscape of shimmering high rise buildings

ByJan Shure, Jan Shure

3 min read

Set between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky mountains in Canada's west coast state of British Columbia, Vancouver has always been a stunning city simply by virtue of its location. But a municipal decision 20 years ago to make the downtown area more residential has paid huge dividends for tourists.

Aesthetically, the dozens of high-rise apartment blocks, largely glass towers that reflect the sky and water, create a shimmering cityscape.

In practical terms, the fact that there are over half a million residents in the downtown area means that when, as a visitor, you step outside your hotel in the evening, instead of finding deserted streets, there's a real buzz, with bustling pavements, shops open till late and restaurants, bars and cafes in this seriously foodie city are constantly full. The city benefits from the legacy of hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics. Having visited twice, pre-2010, and subsequently, the improvements are tangible and something tourists can look forward to.

It has newly manicured streets and water-side promenades, better city roads and fast and frequent buses.