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The real Deal

Skip the north Kent hotspots for this under-the-radar seaside gem: revealing the delights of Deal

June 12, 2022 17:30
deal kent GettyImages-1176287996
Aerial seaside view of Deal town, Kent, UK
6 min read

Shall we have a Deal Day today?” I ask my sons. By that, I mean walking our dog Bertie along the seafront to our favourite café, Hut 55, where red and white deckchairs and beanbags are strewn on the glistening pebble beach and the coffee always tastes better while watching my boys skim pebbles out to sea.

Or perhaps breakfast at Deal Pier Kitchen, a stylish café at the end of Deal’s brutalist concrete pier (the last to be built in the UK in 1957) with its 25-mile views across the silvery-blue channel to France — on clear days, the white cliffs shine.

In the afternoon we may take to the sea in kayaks, or ride bikes along the coastal path to Kingsdown, location of our favourite pub The Zetland Arms. Dealites, as locals are charmingly referred to, are quick to point out that this is a town beside the sea, rather than a seaside town, so those who seek kiss-me-quick amusements may wish to head for Margate. Pleasure in Deal remains charmingly calm.

I first rented a cottage here 15 years ago, when friends would stare at me blankly when I told them where I was off to; ten years ago, by then completely smitten with the place, I bought a house there.


