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How to bag some cheap winter sun and raising a glass to Israel's whisky

September 13, 2018 12:39
1 min read

Summer may feel like it’s barely over but it’s never too soon to plan your winter sun, according to new research from Skyscanner.

The travel search website found travellers can save 29% if they book flights for the Christmas holidays 13 weeks in advance, compared to November. And planning your trip to fly on December 24 can also save 19% — while Christmas Day itself is the most expensive.

Pick your destination carefully, and you could cut the cost even more — Penang in Malaysia has seen flight prices drop by 19% since last year, saving over £800 for a family of four, while Las Vegas flights are down 13%.

And for a stress-free escape, avoid the crowds by flying on December 17, rather than the busiest date of December 22.

Bargain Orlando

New flights to Orlando are cutting  the cost of a trip to Florida from this December, with a new route from Icelandic airline WOW air.

Launching on December 18, the flights from Gatwick and Edinburgh will travel via Edinburgh three times per week, with introductory fares from £129.99 one way, including taxes but excluding baggage fees.

The airline also has a Premium offering, including extra checked baggage, food and drink on board and fast track security.

L'Chaim to Israel's whisky

Whisky-lovers planning a trip might have their sights set on Scotland, Ireland or America’s Deep South, but with a string of distilleries and whisky-focused venues launched in the past five years, it’s time to add Israel to the list.

Better known for its boutique wines, the country’s high temperatures and humidity help the spirit to mature faster and absorb more flavour from the casks, to create a rich, unique result.

Along with tours, tastings and workshops at the country’s first whisky distillery, Milk & Honey in Jaffa, the Golan Heights is emerging as Israel’s whisky region. Home to the Golan and Edrei distilleries in Katzrin, the Pelter Distillery in Ein Zivan and Legends Distillery in the Elah Valley, producing American-style whisky, you can get a taste without leaving the cities.

The Jerusalem Distilling Company opened in January, while there are also over 1,000 different kinds to sample at the Whiskey Bar & Museum in Tel Aviv, along with tasting workshops and a menu featuring dishes to pair with the spirit.


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