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Slope off at a leisurely pace

We has a genteel ski break in a cosy part of south-east France

March 3, 2016 12:12
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ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

3 min read

'This ski resort is for people who like to take their time on holiday, who don't want to speed through the day."

Most ski resorts would balk at this description, but Thierry Durand, director of the reservations company which promotes Valloire in south-east France, embraces the resort's cosy nature.

Unlike so many marketing descriptions, this rang true. Valloire may have originally been named Vallée d'Or after its fields of golden grain, but has ended up as a healthy antidote to other resorts' après-ski decadence.

The nightlife is genteel and centred on restaurants, not clubs or bars. French-speaking families, older couples and groups of schoolchildren populate the streets, rather than the hordes of British 20-somethings found at many ski centres.