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Rocco's resort gets spa living off to a tee

Carved into the Sicilian coast is a golf and leisure resort par excellence

July 15, 2010 10:22
Dining by moonlight: at the poolside Buon Giorno restaurant

ByRichard Burton, Richard Burton

6 min read

After a few days in the sun, there are three words guaranteed to bring you back to earth harder than a 747 with a blowout: Cold, Rain ... and Luton. The pilot told us to expect all three, in that order, as a wobbly budget jet that seemed to shudder in sympathy, broke through the clouds over Bedfordshire to the sound of trolleys being stashed and air crew strapping themselves in.

Ten minutes later, a handful of Brits and a few well-fed Italian families trudged their way against a spitty cross-wind smudging the mascara of the hostess trying to smile us through to Arrivals.

If the holiday wasn't over before, it was now.

The Sicilian sun seemed a lot more than a two-hour flight away. And as we boarded a commuter-stuffed train, one of us closed his eyes and napped himself back a few days to an entirely different greeting…