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One year on: the spa that healed itself

The 'miracle' that saved the Carmel Forest Spa from a worse fate after the Channucah blaze.

June 23, 2011 09:53
A four-day fire destroyed huge areas of the forest in the Carmel Hills but at the Carmel Forest Spa  there is no hint of the devastation

ByJan Shure, Jan Shure

4 min read

The lawns are preternaturally green, the trees and shrubs luxuriant, the flowers sit prettily, ruffled by a breeze in the borders and beds dotted with artless informality all over the grounds. Everywhere at this tranquil sanctuary in the Carmel Hills, just south of Haifa, is verdant and perfect.

But without a miracle on, appropriately, Chanucah last year, the picture might have been very different at Isrotel's Carmel Forest Spa.

Because at the start of Chanucah, on December 3 last year, the spa resort which first opened in November 1996, came, literally, within inches of being immolated in the terrible forest fires that swept these hills, devastating everything in their path.

"I was in Tel Aviv at meetings when our security manager called me at noon telling me that the fires were heading our way," recalls Aya Grundman, the resort's general manager.