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My kind of retreat

Could this holistic Greek holiday herald a fresh start in life?

January 1, 2016 12:52
The view over Atsita bay is a beautiful spot to read a book and chill out

BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston

4 min read

Anyone who was sent on an Aish or Habonim holiday by their parents when they were children may have memories of what it was like to holiday with 60 or so others. In childhood it seems the most natural thing in the world to travel, eat, play and learn as a community. And perhaps come back somehow changed.

In adulthood the concept seems bizarre. But if you are travelling solo, looking for something to re-ignite your mojo but don't want to be alone, Skyros Holistic Holidays may be just the ticket.

I signed up for this unique community style retreat with 62 strangers and headed for the small village of Atsitsa on the sunny Greek island of Skyros.

I got there one warm Sunday evening with a handful others I had got to know during the transfer from Athens. As we sauntered with our bags on to the resort a welcoming party cheered us in and handed us some wine. It was a good start.