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Manhattan: Curtain up on the world’s biggest film set

However big the star, it’s the city that always takes top billing.

January 7, 2010 12:09
Backdrop: Sex and the city

ByRichard Burton, Richard Burton

5 min read

A group of us were in the Monkey Bar being stung the price of a cup final ticket for a bottle of fairly ordinary merlot when Keith Richard strolled past.

The smokers spotted him, ambling by with his daughter when they popped outside for a cough and a wheeze.

The following night Jessica Simpson sat a few tables away at Jean Georges, and in the morning in the lounge at Plaza Athenée, a waitress told me I was sitting in Sir Paul McCartney’s favourite seat.

All a bit pretentious, to be honest. But this was Manhattan and they drop names here like they do their aitches in Dagenham. I even had to negotiate the men in black at my hotel because Bill Clinton was giving a speech in the ballroom.