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How I tried to get the most out of Africa

We knew what we wanted from the Masai Mara: to see the Big Five in their own habitat

January 20, 2011 10:45
Necking: Giraffes get all romantic on the Masai Mara plains

BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston

4 min read

'I'm afraid I can't land the plane," announced the pilot. "Because there are animals on the runway."

We had left Nairobi's Wilson airport 45 minutes earlier on a 13-seat Safari Link plane but no one minded the short delay circling the skies before touchdown at Kenya's Masai Mara because we were enjoying the floor show below.

The runway was a strip of mown field and we had a bird's eye view of the loitering zebras and giraffes who were being shooed away.

Landing was smooth and we were met by the drivers of the waiting trucks from our hosts from a tour company called &Beyond.