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Hotel Roschild 71, Tel Aviv

November 24, 2016 23:13
Wood floors, white walls and a sense of clean lines

BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston

1 min read

I knew that I would be staying the night in the heart of Tel Aviv not far from the Israel museum.

This is the city’s financial centre and the busiest part of the Rothschild Boulevard. It’s right in the thick of the famous “White City” and close to the upmarket shopping area of Gan Hahashmal.

So, when I pulled up to number 71, I guess I was expecting a large sign stating this hotel’s name. What I saw was the Cantina restaurant whose bright yellow canopy stood out against the whitewashed backdrop of the Bauhaus architecture.

The hotel sign was far more discreet and functional — somewhat like the building — and to find the way in I had to turn into a side street.