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Hotel of the Week: Park Inn, Heathrow

November 24, 2016 22:48
Spacious accommodation a few minutes from Heathrow

BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston

1 min read

Try as I might to dodge those yawningly early morning flights, I occasionally have to concede defeat. Just last week I was forced to catch an 8am plane from Heathrow to Zurich.

As I considered my flight plight I could feel the rising panic at the thought of waking up before the dawn chorus to make the bleary-eyed 40-minute drive to Heathrow. But that wasn’t all. I still had to factor in enough time to allow for car parking and the subsequent transfer to make it in time for the 7am check-in at the airport.

I considered various parking options, but the most time-efficient option of valet parking which would have cost £112.30.

But then it struck me. What if I could park the car and check into an airport hotel the night before? Five-minutes drive from Heathrow is the 895-room, four star Park Inn hotel.