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Hotel of the Week: Le Bon Son Mallorca

July 1, 2013 10:32
Salmon-coloured double room with huge bed, sofas and a balcony

BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston

1 min read

Draped luxuriously over the side of a pretty cliff amid foliage and trees, the hotel cascades towards the Illetes coastline of Palma Bay.

The décor echoes Spanish Castilian style with wood floors, low-beamed ceilings, red carpets, stone walls and burgundy upholstered seats. Precious porcelain and antiques in nooks and crannies are lorded over by suits of armour.

A sitting room and library are serene in muted colours with exotic ornaments from Burma and Thailand and bizarre objets d’art that owners, Martin and Lorraine, picked up on their travels.

Beyond the reception, a large bar comprises a flowery alfresco terrace and a room of dark wood and burgundy chairs. At nightfall the latter morphs into a dance floor with dimmed lighting and the rhythms of live singers churning out easy-listening music.