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Eilat: Sea life up close

Eilat is now only five hours away thanks to direct scheduled flights from Luton with Monarch.

December 15, 2015 15:51
Millions of shekels have been invested in Eilat’s tourism infrastructure

BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston

3 min read

I was floating in the Red Sea clad in snorkelling gear and then it happened: a dolphin swam up close, looked me straight in the eye for one full pregnant, almost spiritual, moment. In a blink the dolphin had slid away. Before I could smooth out my pleated senses, another swam beneath me turning over, showing off its white, smooth tummy. And so it continued. They were flirting and I was falling in love.

I was at Eilat's Dolphin Reef where a flock of bottlenose dolphins are reared in their natural habitat. It's a joy to swim with them or even just to watch them from the pretty palm-dotted beach while catching some rays. There's a wooden pier that reaches out into the sea from where the dolphins are fed, and if you loiter there a while, they may pop by to say hi.

On site, there is also a series of heated wellness pools - one fresh water, one Red Sea water, one mineral water - and each has soothing underwater music. I booked a relaxation session where a hydrotherapist held me gently - placing floats beneath my knees and back - and moved various parts of my body gently, stroking every now and again, and at one point I even had a sense of being held as if in the womb. No wonder I fell asleep.

Nearby is the Underwater Observatory Marine Park. The main feature is indeed the underwater observatory where walls of clear glass allow you to see the comings and goings of the deep blue sea.