BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston
Botany Bay, Broadstairs, Kent
White cliffs and green-topped chalk stacks define the look. But it's the smugglers deported to Botany Bay in Australia that gave it the name. There's nothing underground here now except rock pools, fossils and the tunnels the smugglers used that are revealed when the tide is out
Covehithe, Suffolk
Go now before the cliffs erode completely. Made from glacial sands they are disappearing at a rate of 4.5 metres a year. While there you may find yourself enjoying the wildlife, open water lagoons and the hypnotic waves of the North Sea. Incidentally, the Monty Python sketch "The First Man To Jump The Channel" was partly filmed here.
Chapel Porth, Cornwall
The bay offers tranquillity and dramatic views, thanks to being in a mining valley sandwiched between high cliffs with clear waters lapping soft sand. The local cafe sells its unique brand of hedgehog ice cream - clotted cream and topped with caramelised hazelnuts. Amazingly, the beach remains largely crowd-free.
In pictures: Six of the best beaches
Blue Pool Bay, Gower, Wales
This small cove is only accessible by treading the clifftop path. There's a large natural rock pool separated from the sea by a soft, sandy beach and all set to a backdrop of cliffs. It's quite lovely but the pool is engulfed by water at high tide.
Burnham overy staithe, Norfolk
Nelson was born nearby and learned to sail here as a child. Boats still come in and out and the celebrated Burnham Market, aka Chelsea-on-Sea, is just up the road.
Wembury Bay, Devon
It may have rocky shores but that just makes for some fantastic rock pools and masses of wildlife. The Marine Centre runs rock pool tours for children. This is also a fabulous setting for coastal walks. A mile-and-a-half walk leads to Wembury Woods and the Yealm Estuary and ends at the Old Mill Café where tea and home-made cake awaits.
Between August 30 and September 4 you can visit the Sacred Music Festival. The line-up includes dozens of musicians from across the globe celebrating their religion, heritage and traditions through a range of musical genres.
Alternatively, join an art trail every Friday morning in September to either the new or the old city taking in public and private art, meeting craftsmen and artists along the way. Tours start in the Tower of David Museum’s Objective exhibition.