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Don't surf the net: here are six beaches to try in the UK

August 26, 2015 12:17
White cliffs and chalk stacks of Botany Bay

BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston

1 min read

Botany Bay, Broadstairs, Kent

White cliffs and green-topped chalk stacks define the look. But it's the smugglers deported to Botany Bay in Australia that gave it the name. There's nothing underground here now except rock pools, fossils and the tunnels the smugglers used that are revealed when the tide is out

Covehithe, Suffolk

Go now before the cliffs erode completely. Made from glacial sands they are disappearing at a rate of 4.5 metres a year. While there you may find yourself enjoying the wildlife, open water lagoons and the hypnotic waves of the North Sea. Incidentally, the Monty Python sketch "The First Man To Jump The Channel" was partly filmed here.