
Top off your look this Yomtov

Our pick of the perfect power hats to top off your look this Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

August 23, 2018 11:35

The hat is arguably the most powerful fashion accessory; it draws attention to the face more than earrings, propels us to walk tall and its quality cannot be faked.

To paraphrase Meghan Trainor; it’s all about that face. First you buy a hat that frames your face, and then you find an outfit that flatters the look — special headgear is harder to come by than good clothes. 

The Queen wears hats in lieu of a crown, but never a fascinator. No, she isn’t exactly the hottest Instagram fashion blogger, but we take our cue from her. 

After all, celebrity milliner Philip Treacy declared “the fascinator is dead” in an interview with the Sunday Times way back in 2013. (was Beatrice to blame?) 

Besides, many synagogues require that married ladies wear something more substantial than a headband. 

So, it’s proper hats, and you have to think about your hair when trying them on. Smaller hats tend to look more purposeful when worn with a chignon or low ponytail. Keep loose curls away from the face to avoid hat hair. Slanted designs need to be placed on your parting.

The headpieces above were selected because they are versatile seasonally, modern and simply divine.  Coming soon to a shul near you.