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This is the text of the 1998 Stanmore Accords in full

September 12, 2008 14:33

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

4 min read

A statement to the Jewish Community

As lay leaders of different sections of the Jewish Community and for ourselves we, like many members of Anglo-Jewry, have been perturbed and distressed by the divisions and dissension which have become the more apparent since the death of Rabbi Hugo Gryn, of blessed memory.

It is inevitable that with different principles and practices there exist profound differences of brief calculated to stir deep emotions and impatience.

These deep divisions within the Jewish Community have existed for more than a century. It would be wrong to minimise them or ignore them. They are not unique to our Anglo-Jewish community. We have seen them not only developing in Israel, but in many lands in the Diaspora. It is not surprising since the fundamental concepts of Jewish life are in issue: divorce, conversion, indeed the question itself as to who is a Jew.

The Jewish Community is damaged by in-fighting and mutual recrimination. It harms us internally and externally.