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Tracy Ann Oberman's mother of a monster role

The actress and antisemitism activist is playing a single Jewish mother with a big problem

September 19, 2019 09:32
Tracy Ann Oberman in rehearsal, reading Sue Klebold's book
4 min read

Normally, when you’re offered a part as a mother, your heart sinks. You think, oh no, how boring.”

Tracy Ann Oberman is in a break from rehearsals of Mother of Him at the Park Theatre and, yes, she plays the eponymous mother. But in this case her fears were unfounded. She’s loving the role. “It’s really good. So good. It’s unusual to find a female character so well written — and written by a 25-year-old man.”

The man is Evan Placey, a Canadian Jewish writer who won awards when the play was first staged in 2010. “I think there are pressures we put on mothers that fathers don’t have to face. And, as a young writer, I haven’t seen many strong roles for women. I was interested in writing about a mother being challenged,” he told the JC at the time.

The play takes place over Chanucah, in the home where single mother Brenda lives with her two sons. Oberman is keen that I shouldn’t give away spoilers: “Brenda is a middle-class Jewish mother, whose son has done something terrible, and is under house arrest. She’s fighting a media battle with the journalists outside.” The ‘something terrible’ is based on real life, and the perpetrator son was based on people Placey knew from the Toronto Jewish community.