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Review: Bakersfield Mist

No Turner prize as true story lacks authenticity

June 2, 2014 09:00
Lost in the Mist: Ian McDiarmid and Kathleen

ByJohn Nathan, John Nathan

1 min read

The Los Angeleno writer and director Stephen Sachs has written a play about authenticity. And yet it lacks any, even though it is based on a true incident. Quite how or why it attracted the infinitely watchable Kathleen Turner back to the London stage is hard to say. She plays Maude, a hard-drinking, splendidly foul-mouthed former barmaid whose home - a trailer in California - is furnished with junk picked up for a few bucks.

Her belongings include a painting which may or may not be a Jackson Pollock. Ian McDiarmid is Lionel, the British-born, public school educated art expert who has travelled from New York by private jet, and then by chauffeur-driven limo, to Maude's incredibly modest home to pass judgment on the painting's authenticity. And because he is a disdainful snob, on Maude, too.

Although most of Polly Teale's production follows on from Lionel's verdict, it would be wrong to loosen what tension it generates by revealing it here. But it doesn't much matter. It's that, even though we only see the back of it, it's not the painting that comes across as fake but the play.

Sachs asks us to believe that such broadly drawn characters as an art expert who makes Brian Sewell look like Del Boy and the kind of trailer trash dame that made Jerry Springer a good living would end up downing shots of bourbon as if they were old drinking buddies. Or that in the relatively few minutes after his arrival, the reserved and formal Lionel would end up on his knees passionately extolling the virtues of Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon before flailing around on the floor like an epileptic seal as he describes Pollock's paint-flinging technique. Really?