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Raymond Gubbay, the barometer of English taste

He's the impresario whose shows have scored hit after hit. So how is he so good at knowing what the public wants?

March 3, 2011 10:54
Raymond Gubbay specialises in popularising classic ballet and opera

ByJohn Nathan, John Nathan

4 min read

For 45 years Raymond Gubbay has been plying popular musical theatre and opera to huge audiences. And for 45 years the impresario has attracted sneers from his peers, as if there was something sordid about offering crowd-pleasing productions to "middle-brow little England", and selling millions of tickets in the process.

"Millions and millions," assures Gubbay, sitting behind his desk in his tidy office in central London. He looks, it has to be said, like a man not at all concerned by what his critics say. And no wonder.

A couple of years ago he sold 75 per cent of the Raymond Gubbay brand to a German entertainment company, who in turn were bought out by Sony. Next year the Germans will buy the remaining 25 per cent. The deal is worth just under £10 million, and when the money is safely banked, Gubbay, who will be 65, plans to retire.

But how does an impresario who has built a career on hard graft and an instinct for what the public want, suddenly stop work? Isn't he meant to say that he will never retire?