A high-voltage, uproariously obscene performance from the chav comedian
November 24, 2016 20:58ByAnonymous, Anonymous
Simon Brodkin inhabits his feral comic creation Lee Nelson so completely that it's hard to imagine the north Londoner is anyone other than the sniggeringly amoral south London geezer whose council estate is his universe.
In a high-voltage, uproariously obscene performance, Brodkin's bird-obsessed simpleton - the star of BBC Three's "Lee Nelson's Well Good Show" - wins over the sellout audience from the outset, while simultaneously insulting as many of them as he can. And he doesn't let up for a second.
Bursting on to the stage, sporting a blue baseball cap and leery grin, he zips up and down the central stairs to clap and knuckle-check his adoring following, and in a crotch-clutching display of "sarf Lunnan" manhood chats up a "sweetheart" while dissing a "scummy" east Londoner a few rows behind her.
Comically ducking and diving his way through the show, Brodkin's Viz-like character lets rip at "that stupid noise in the World Cup" which emanated from "Gary Lineker", before turning to the US president, Barack Obama. "He's so influential, even the seas turn black," he jests in a slick allusion to the BP oil spill and the president's colour that is artfully in character. "All the animals are covered in oil - it saves so much [cooking] time," he adds, wrapping up Nelson's sardonic reflections on the environmental catastrophe.
From a couple married for 28 years to first-daters - "Are you going to bang him later?" he asks the female - no one is safe from Nelson's comic barbs. Even a 12-year-old, to whom he says, only half in jest: "Would you like to buy some drugs?"
The racy act ends in a raucous pièce de resistance. Having pulled a towering, tattooed "geez" from the audience for Nelson's traditional "peer-pressure challenge", he gets him to dance out the show to "I love big butts" with the audience in full battle-cry.
Watch a clip from Lee Nelson's Well Good Show
Pleasance Above, until 30 August