
Isy Suttie: Pearl and Dave

A solo show about love online

August 9, 2011 11:04

ByLee Levitt, Lee Levitt

1 min read

The unlikely, unconsummated, largely internet-based love affair between a squinting Derbyshire "accountint" and the unhappily married Pearl from Surrey forms the basis of Isy Suttie's winningly whimsical solo show.

The Hull-born musical stand-up and actor, who is best known for playing Dobby in the Channel 4 sitcom "Peep Show", has a sparkling on-stage presence and an engagingly soulful voice.

She also has a ready eye for the offbeat and humdrum detail, which she uses to skilful effect in fleshing out her comic creations.

Accompanying herself on the guitar, she comfortably inhabits her affectionately portrayed, lonely characters, whether in her quirky songs or in her seemingly effortless storytelling, and artfully creates a sense of dramatic tension as they progress to their lurid, candlelit Skype assignations.

Suttie, who derives her Jewishness from her late maternal grandmother - whose maiden name was Feest - intersperses her main tale with snippets from her own love life. This has wandered somewhat from the fold and culminates in a wonderfully bathetic song in Welsh.

Currently based in south-east London Suttie, 33 on Thursday, will be appearing as a nurse in the Channel 4 teenage drama "Skins" in January.