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The women who’ll help you through the menopause

Suffering a midlife crisis as your hormones go mad? These Jewish women will give you advice and support

December 19, 2024 12:48
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11 min read

No sooner than we are beyond the demands of young children and the ambitious climb up the career ladder, we women have a new life stage to look forward to. Hot flushes, insomnia, low mood, brain fog and weight gain are just some of the some of the delights on the menu for women in mid-life.

The reason for the sudden onslaught of ailments? A change in hormones, particularly oestrogen. During perimenopause, levels of oestrogen and progesterone produced by the ovaries start to fall, leading the supply of eggs to diminish and ovulation – and therefore our periods – to become irregular. Then periods stop altogether.

But the menopause doesn’t have to invoke a sense of dread. It can be a time to reevaluate and restart, focusing more on our health and wellbeing – and there are so many Jewish women at the forefront of a movement helping us do just that.

What exactly is not to celebrate when we no longer have to head out the house every month with a bag full of sanitary products and painkillers, and spare undies in case of leakage? And if our forebears were already resigned to below-the-knee skirts and twin sets by their 40s, it is at least now acceptable on a Saturday night to choose the sofa, Netflix and a bottle of wine – OK, mug of rooibos tea – instead of gallivanting about town.

