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The unlikely friendship between a Jewish Labour councillor and Lib Dem political rival

The lives of Jewish Labour councillor Sheila Peacock, 91, and Christian warrior against antisemitism Justin Hinchcliffe have intermingled since he was at primary school

July 7, 2023 15:01
4 min read

They are an unlikely pair: Sheila Peacock, a Jewish Labour councillor who at 91 is one of the oldest councillors in the country, and the former Liberal Democrat councillor Justin Hinchcliffe, a Christian who fights antisemitism, aged 42.

But having met at school — when Sheila was headmistress at Justin’s primary — their lives have intermingled.

Both were born and bred in Tottenham and until recently (when Justin lost his seat in the 2022 elections) both served on Haringey council. The two have become good friends.

Sheila on Justin
After my five children were grown up, I stopped being a dinner lady, and started teacher training at the same time as my daughter.

I met Justin when I was headmistress of Earlsmead Primary School. I already knew his grandparents while his mother worked with my daughter at the Gestetner factory in Tottenham — we were a community.

At that time Tottenham had many secular Jews like me but now it is mainly Charedi — about a third of my ward is Jewish. I even helped change the planning laws to ensure less overcrowding in the Tottenham houses — families are allowed to build up, which isn’t allowed in most places.

I like to think I remember all my pupils but Justin did stand out. He knew I was a Labour member and even then, he was quite the opposite — he once brought me a signed photograph of John Major and he wanted me to put it up in my office.

I liked that he was interested in politics though and, partly inspired by him, before the 1992 election I staged an election in school with ballot papers and everything. Justin was the Tory candidate — he got one vote; his own.

But our deputy head was a Tory and she used to take him out campaigning with her.

Labour and fighting racism have always been in my blood. I was once arrested for rowing with the National Front and we had a real problem with them in the borough in the Seventies.

I also recruited Bernie Grant to the party; at the time it was controversial as he had been a member of the Workers Revolutionary Party. But I knocked on his door, we started chatting and that was that. When he became MP, I was his agent. I was also David Lammy’s agent and I’ve been mayor of Haringey four times.

Because my surname is Peacock — my second husband wasn’t Jewish — many people don’t realise I’m Jewish. But my son and lots of my family, including five of my grandchildren, live in Israel and I go there every year.

