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The UKJFF celebrates its barmitzvah

October 6, 2009 16:18
The Coen brother's new film A Serious Man will top the bill at the festival

ByJessica Elgot, Jessica Elgot

1 min read

Instead of dwelling on the bad luck that a thirteenth anniversary year could bring, the UK Jewish Film Festival is, fittingly, celebrating its barmitzvah year.

It will be the biggest ever year for the festival, which started life as the Brighton Jewish Film Festival back in 1996 before relocating to London and rebranding itself as the UK Jewish Film Festival in 2004.

The Coen brothers new film A Serious Man tops the bill at the festival, along with the UK Premiere of Adam Ressurected director by Taxi Driver writer Paul Schrader and starring Jeff Goldblem.

Sixty-three films from Hollywood blockbusters, to documentaries to short sketches will show at a record 14 venues across London, and tour 15 UK cities.