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The stars who came out for Israel in 2023

Some celebrities stayed quiet – but others were proud to stand up for fellow Jews

December 28, 2023 09:39
Singer Pink Credit getty
Pink: standing up for fellow Jews (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame)

ByNicole Lampert, Nicole Lampert

2 min read

As diaspora Jews we know what it is to be afraid of antisemitism. In the lead up to the Holocaust, the Jewish film moguls of Hollywood were too frightened of the backlash they would get to exposing Hitler.

They were concerned they would somehow be seen as having dual loyalty if they dared criticise a man simply because he had stated genocidal intentions towards their co-religionists. The medium of film was already suspected by some of being some new-fangled Jewish way of undermining American values; they didn’t want to attract even more suspicion.

Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator (Photo: United Artists Corporation)[Missing Credit]

It took a non-Jew – Charlie Chaplin – to make the first great film satirising the Nazi dictator. 1940s The Great Dictator was his first movie in sound.

After the war ended and the fear of the fascists became the Red Fear that reticence to call out the far right didn’t do much to save Jewish filmmakers who were inordinately accused of being communists and blacklisted.

