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The policeman who conned me: How one Jewish woman was seduced by a spy-cop

Alison* was one of over 50 women conned by police into long-term intimate relationships

March 31, 2022 14:19
7 min read

Mark Cassidy was a friendly, working-class joiner from a Catholic background in Birkenhead, with a bashful charm and an authentic presence. Alison* was a Jewish Londoner,  an energetic English teacher, passionate about introducing inner-city kids to the joys of Shakespeare and Coleridge. She was also active in the National Union of Teachers (NUT). 

When they met in the spring of 1995, she was 29. He was 27, he said. After their first date, things moved quickly. By July, Mark had moved out of his dingy bedsit with brown lino on the floor and Class War posters on the wall, and into Alison’s Hackney flat. They settled into a life of happy domesticity. Then, in 2000, he vanished, never to be seen again.

Before his disappearance Mark had fitted a new kitchen in their home. It had taken him a surprisingly long time. Some time later, Alison learned that was because he wasn’t a joiner, but a police officer. Mark Jenner — his real name — worked for the Special Demonstration Squad, a secret police unit that spied on people in left-wing groups.

