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The man who's already won the US election - satirist Jon Stewart

With little more than a hair’s breadth between President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney, the US election is too close to call.

November 24, 2016 22:50
Jon Stewart talks to Barack Obama during the American President’s appearance on The Daily Show last month  Photo: AP

ByDan Friedman, Anonymous

4 min read

With little more than a hair’s breadth between President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney, the US election is too close to call. However, whatever the outcome, there is already one certain winner – Jon Stewart.

The presenter of The Daily Show and American television's satirist-in-chief has had a good campaign.

He has come to be seen as the US media’s honest broker, and in a country where most people get their news from TV, he is arguably a more important Jewish political voice than either congresswoman Deborah Wasserman Schultz, who is the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, or representative Eric Cantor, the Republican House Majority Leader.

That is because, although Stewart sides more often with Democrats than Republicans, his show is eager to call influential politicians and pundits on both sides to account.