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The Jewish talent agency that is turning likes ’n’ clicks into cash

Meet the founders of a slick enterprise born in a lockdown bedroom

August 24, 2023 15:13
5 min read

If the younger members of your family are always scrolling on their phones, laughing at the latest memes or forwarding endless TikTok videos to one another, they might be exactly the kind of people Connect Management wants to hire.

The plucky start-up talent agency was born in the bedroom of Benjy Leslie during lockdown, after he found himself furloughed from his job in advertising sales.

Now his agency, which he runs with his business partner Maya Orr, is the fastest- growing social first talent agency, representing 150 influencers and household named brands.

Through a mix of unbounded energy and fierce ambition, the two young Jewish business owners have built an impressive and commercially slick enterprise that turns likes and clicks into sales and cash.

Their combined background in sales and PR has seen them rapidly build a roster of clients who may not be household names to you or me, but are instantly recognisable to Gen Z, Gen X and even Gen Alpha (no, me neither).

When the 24-year-old Leslie old left school, he went straight into working for his father’s business selling travel advertising, but his initial success was short-lived. “I worked there for three years and built up my black book with contacts and brands,” he says.

“Then all of a sudden Covid struck and nobody wants to spend any money to advertise to travellers, because obviously no one was travelling. That business pretty much went from doing £150 million in revenue to zero overnight.”

So he did what every aspiring young entrepreneur dreams of, and started his own business, using the skills he had built up since leaving school and skipping university.