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The fuchsia’s bright (and so is the yellow, purple and green)

January 27, 2011 12:49

ByJan Shure, Jan Shure

2 min read

There is a certain irony to our continuing - indeed, blossoming - love affair with colour. Anyone who has been a sentient adult since the turn of the millennium will recall that, for the previous 20 years, every woman claiming even the most minimal fashion credentials refused to be seen wearing any colour that wasn't black.

Exceptions were reluctantly made for navy, grey or chocolate when those colours strode the runway as the season's alleged substitute for black.

But for two decades at least, black was the default colour for any woman worthy of the name fashionista: it was the sartorial security blanket we instantly reached for whenever we needed to look - I hesitate to use the word, but it is the only appropriate one in the context - smart. Well, "smart" went the way of Edwardian bustles, thanks largely to Marc Jacobs, whose grunge ethic infiltrated the DNA of style so profoundly, that "smart" now sounds less like a compliment and more like a put-down, and gradually we all let go our security blanket and learned to love colour.

This season, it pops up as mid-tones, pastels, primaries, technicolour, fluoro brights and bold prints.