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The empty museum...

November 27, 2014 12:27
Tragic: The new Jewish Museum in Poland is filled with material that simply doesn’t exist anymore

ByAbigail Morris, Abigail Morris

3 min read

A new Jewish museum has opened in Warsaw. It sits in the centre of what used to be the ghetto, and some see that fact as a cause for celebration. Here, in the heart of the city, is a museum which tells the thousand-year story of Jewish life in Poland unrestrained by the limiting prism of the Holocaust.

Instead, one can celebrate the amazing life of the many Jewish communities in Poland and the huge contribution that Jews have made to the nation.

Surprisingly though, there was an almost complete absence of original objects or authentic relics from the past. The story is told mostly through written quotations inscribed on the walls, combined with reconstructions and multimedia. The experience for the visitor is loud, ambitious, visually very busy - it is overwhelming.

The other visitors I saw when I was there seemed engaged and involved in getting to grips with this fascinating but largely forgotten story. But my response to the exhibits was clouded by a complex emotion. Of the objects on display, few are authentic, many are reconstructed. And this mattered to me. The display of the rubble that was all that was left of the ghetto is fabricated. The real rubble was not thought to be sufficiently effective.