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Tehran TV review: A rehash of previous shows, sometimes even a rehash of itself, with a plot more thready than a spiderweb

Slick thriller series is largely unfathomable but never dull and does have a lot going for it

May 12, 2022 14:54
Tehran Photo 020201
2 min read

AppleTV | ★★★✩✩

If you haven’t yet watched the first season of Apple TV+ thriller drama Tehran then stop reading this right now! Actually… wait a sec… no, come back. Doh, how are you supposed to know if it’s worth your time playing catch-up?

The problem is, it’s got a plot more thready than a spiderweb. And the second series makes absolutely no concessions to any Johnny-come-latelys tuning in to check out the first Israeli show to win Best Drama at the International Emmys. They don’t even help the rest of us with an obligatory memory jogging “previously on”. Instead, beautiful Mossad agent Tamar, played by the equally beautiful Niv Sultan, just gets straight back into the running, hiding and being hunted around the titular city. Forget avoiding spoilers, you’re going to be confused anyway, so you might as well stick about.

Adding to the discombobulation is the sensation of déjà vu that I remember from the first time around. Strong female spy protagonist terribly disguised in a headscarf... could this be Homeland? Endless episodic twists and turns at a relentless pace... maybe 24? Wait a sec. Brilliant young woman infiltrating Tehran’s ruling class to sabotage the nuclear programme? It’s superlative French masterpiece The Bureau! And alas, like when I stand next to my wife’s ex, one of the two doesn’t come out as well.

If you can close your eyes though and forget the competition, (as my wife does), Tehran does have a lot going for it. There’s solid acting from a mostly authentic Iranian cast, particularly Shaun Toub as the dogged Faraz. This season they’ve also used some of that Apple dosh to up the star quota, adding the iconic Glenn Close as a Farsi-speaking undercover Mossad agent. Her first regular TV gig since she destroyed in Damages, as she ages she seems to get more substantial, and it’s always a pleasure to see her working that particular combination of vulnerable strength.