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We need stars who will bowl us over, say Team GB selectors

April 3, 2008 23:00

ByDanny Caro, Danny Caro

2 min read

The search to find the best quality Jewish cricketers in the country has begun. Team Great Britain cricket Maccabiah co-chairmen Michael Ziff and Neil Myeroff are hoping to unearth players capable of bringing home medals from three competitions at next summer’s Jewish Olympics in Israel.

Following the success of Nigel Rothband’s open squad, who took the bronze at the 2005 event, the pair hope that the junior squad and first veterans delegation can shine.

Since GB started sending cricket squads to the competition in 1973, they have returned with three silver medals and two bronze.

Ziff said: “We are looking for good standard Saturday league cricketers who must remember that they are representing their country in Israel and must maintain high standards on and off the pitch.