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Nice job for a Jewish boy, but not the sweaty handshakes

June 16, 2011 13:37

ByDanny Caro, Danny Caro

2 min read

The past few days have reminded me that there is still so much to be proud about Jewish football. As a product, it is knocked all too often, but the message is clear. It is far from dead in the water and I can tell you that the passion, demand and appetite is still there. From top to bottom, the people involved and connected to it really care.

As you'd expect, there are a whole host of awards evenings pencilled into the diary at this time of year and I try to attend as many as possible.

The first half of my week was spent at EDRS Synagogue. One could feel the nachas at the Maccabi Junior Football League awards with kvelling parents seeing their young heroes collect silverware.

While the 11-a-side game is on the decline numbers-wise nationwide, the MJFL have done well to open avenues to as many young footballers as possible, be it small-sided games, indoor and outdoor, friendly or competitive. As league chairman Laurence Thorne said, they are a step ahead of FIFA and the FA, which I guess can only be a good thing.