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New Tottenham Stadium: "This is my Spurs"

I wanted to stroll the streets around where the Lane once stood and take the chance to close the chapter on the old, and get my head around the new, writes our Spurs blogger.

July 31, 2017 15:36
THFC - Internal Bowl.jpg

As creatures of habit, football fans spend their summers longing for that sun drenched day in August when life resumes, with a return to familiar streets, smells, sounds and faces. 

Non-Tournament summers, like this one, are a football fan's worst nightmare! They're a wasteland where the craving for a return to the ritual and routine of the season gets ever more intense as June gives way to July, and the silly season of transfer speculation goes in to overdrive as July fades in to August.

After a season of self-denial, we Spurs fans finally said our heartfelt farewell to the Lane on the May 14, and in the intervening months we have plutzed about how we'll fare at Wembley and watched the bulldozers tear down the canvass on which so many memories were painted by heroes of yesteryear and whose final days were lit up by Pochettino's current day buccaneers. 

Football clubs (at least those which haven't upped and left their traditional homes) are rooted in their local community regardless of whether or not the supporters still live in the locality. For Spurs fans this summer marks the start of our very first, and mercifully short, departure from our community. The community we have been a part of since the day the Club was formed.