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My half-time report

January 6, 2014 09:48
2 min read

We are now at the half way point in the season and it's pleasing to note that there has been little disruption due to the weather. However, with the seasonal festivities now out of the way, its looks as though the current horrific weather condition could have a large effect over the next few weeks.

We shall have to monitor the situation and decide how best to proceed. Luckily the Cyril Anekstein Cup is well under way and the Peter Morrison Trophy is also on schedule. The debate now is to decide whether it is feasible to run the Barry Goldstein Cup. Hopefully, double-headers will not be a consideration.

I have been to games most weeks and now seen more than 2/3 of the teams in the league. I always enjoy my visits irrespective of the standard of the football and I thank you all for the warm welcome that I am always given.

At the recent Maccabi GB awards evening, I was presented with the Richard Urban Lifetime Achievement Award and I am very honoured to have been given this especially as Dick Urban was such a great friend of mine and a great stalwart of Maccabi both here in the UK and internationally. I have now completed 50 years on the league’s Management Committee and this will be recognised by The Football Association in due course.