ByDanny Caro, Danny Caro
The end of season 2015/16 is finally upon us and Reiss Mogilner of Brady Maccabi is celebrating after finishing top of the ladder.
29 - Reiss Mogilner (Brady Maccabi)
26 - Josh Bloom (ML Lions B)
25 - Dovi Fehler (Hendon A), Zak McLeod (Scrabble FC)
24 - Daniel Garfinkle (Redbridge JC A – including 3 for RJC B)
19 - Dave Woolman (Oakwood A)
Richard Salmon (FC Team B including one for A team)
18 - James Gershfield (Harmen)
Jon Breger (FC Team B)
17 - Jacob Richler Kleiman (Oakwood B)
Danny Sherman, Elliott Espinoza (both Scrabble FC)
16 - James Gershfield (Harmen)
Lorian Madanes (FC Team B)
15 – Ben Bell (Athletic Bilbaum)
13 - Andy Smith (L’Equipe)
12 – Jordan Marks (NL Raiders A)
Zack Neiman (SPEC FC)
Andy Sheena (FC Team B)
David Fialka (Redbridge JC B – including one for A-team)
Dan Gordon (Faithfold C)
Will Ufland (NL Raiders C)
11 - Zac Lewis (Hendon A)
David Dinkin (NL Raiders A)
Harrison Midda (Woodford Wanderers)
Jon Breger (FC Team B)
Jono Gaon (Los Blancos)
Jacob Brunner (Athletic Bilbaum)
Dan Fattal (ML Lions B)
Benni Sluckis (Hendon B)
Jamie Sinai (Catford & Bromley)
10 – Sam Sollosi (Redbridge JC A)
Tom Alexander (Woodford Wanderers)
Andy Sheena (FC Team B)
Gav Noe (Real Hendon)
9 – Shim Bensoor (FC Team A)
Mark Smith (L'Equipe)
Adam Lenz (Temple Fortune)
Chaim Gothold (Real Hendon)
8 – Adam Rones (FC Team B)
James Ryan (Woodford Wanderers)
Jamie Kent (Faithfold B including 4 for C team)
Adam Lenz (Temple Fortune)
Nick Landesberg (ML Lions B)
Leor Harel (Faithfold C)
7 - James Gershfield (Harmen)
David Joseph Cohen (FC Team A)
Steve Summers, Sam Sollosi (both Redbridge JC A)
James Gold (ML Lions A)
Brad Wine (Oakwood A)
Bobby Abrams, Daniel Seligman (both Oakwood B)
Josh Orgel (Redbridge JC B)
James Ryan (Woodford Wanderers)
Dean Rosenthal, Jake Hayman(both ML Lions B)
Jonathan Peters (Scrabble FC)
Oliver Telvi (NL Raiders C)
6 – Rob Hershkorn (Camden Park)
Oscar Wagner (NL Raiders A)
Dan Green, Sam Castle (both Harmen)
Sam Kantor (Oakwood including one for B-team)
Daniel Garfinkle (Redbridge JC A – including 3 for RJC B)
Elliot Wallis (SPEC FC)
Josh Green (NL Raiders B)
Dan Lassman (Real Sosobad)
Adam Hersh (Los Blancos)
Ed Green (Athletic Bilbaum)
Eddie Sternberg (FC Team C)
Rafi Noe (Real Hendon)
Benji Weinberger (ML Lions B)
5 – Rob Hershkorn (Camden Park)
Nathan Sollosi (Redbridge JC A)
Avi Korman (Hendon A)
Josh Newman, Sam Monjack (both Brady Maccabi)
Darren Russell, Adam Hersh (both Los Blancos)
Guy Helman (Oakwood A)
Jake Gilbert (NL Raiders B)
David Grossman (FC Team B)
Dan Lassman (Real Sosobad)
Richie Caplin (Redbridge JC B)
Ashley Burns (SPEC FC)
Alex Aviram (Woodford)
Julius Judah, Josh Pugh, Ben Bell (all Athletic Bilbaum)
Jeff Gotch (Catford & Bromley)
Freddie Marks (FC Team C)
Gideon Barth (Hendon B)
4 – Josh Marks, David Kanzen (both Camden Park)
Kyle Bentwood (Oakwood A)
Adam Arnold (all Harmen)
Alex Kaye, Ricky Engleman (both NL Raiders A)
Ben Sollosi, Dean Nyman (all Redbridge JC A)
Kyle Bentwood, Brad Wine (all Oakwood A)
Moses Seitler, Simon Peterman, Yoav Kestenbaum (all Hendon A)
Dan Harrod (Brady Maccabi)
Alex Hershman, Ricky Lawrence (both SPEC FC)
Daniel Kuber (Brixton Old Boys)
Yoni Fialka (Redbridge JC B)
Danny Moss (FC Team B)
James Law, Sam McCarthy, Fabio Revieccio (all Real Sosobad)
James Abrams (Oakwood B)
Rob Benson (Temple Fortune)
Dave Sherman (Faithfold C)
Jono Nesbitt (Hendon B)
Jacob Holder, Rob Rodney (both Athletic Bilbaum)
Josh Sheridan, Jonathan Peters, Elliot Espinoza (all Scrabble FC)
James Bell, Grant Bates (both L’Equipe)
Alex Goodman, Nick Haringman, Alex Elf (all NL Raiders C)
Elio Elia (Boca Jewniors)
Charlie Cohen, Jake Hyman (both ML Lions B)
Josh Cooper (FC Team C)
Ashley Stokes (Catford & Bromley)
Danny Steel (Real Hendon)
3 – Ari Last, Greg Corin, Ethan Zone (all Hendon A)
Jason Goldstein, James Berkley (both Redbridge JC A)
Alon Hershkorn, Bar Hariely, Jeremy Julius (all FC Team A)
Josh Marks (Camden Park)
Ben Ellis, Nick Lewis, Liron Mannie, Alex Bloch (all NL Raiders A)
Dan Seligman (Oakwood B)
Matt Frohlich (Brady)
Dan Orgel, James Law, Barry Green, Richard Rosenthal (all Real Sosobad)
Jake Gilbert (NL Raiders B)
Bradley Gayer (Redbridge JC B)
Mitch Young (FC Team B)
Ben Zloof, Ben Zloof (Faithfold B), Craig Cole (Faithfold B - plus one for C team)
Dave Lusman (Brixton)
Tim Heynes, Joel Kutner (both Los Blancos)
Marc Hecht (SPEC FC)
Richie Caplin (Redbridge B)
David Grossman (FC Team B)
Paul Biller, Mitch Hahn, Elliott Gold (all Woodford Wanderers)
Chaim Gothold, Rafi Noe, Lolu Hibbert (all Real Hendon)
Nicky Sugarman (FC Team C)
James Mandell, Mark Singer, Rob Simons (all L’Equipe)
Ed Brafman, Elias Cohen, Zak Linden (all ML Lions B)
Richard Adams (Catford & Bromley)
Josh Webber (Boca Jewniors)
2 - Rob Sanford, Kane Gilbery (both FC Team A)
Ethan Zone, Chaim Korman (both Hendon A)
Sam Kantor, Alex Lee, Josh Rose (all Oakwood A)
Ricky Engleman, David Rhodes, Nyv Bogaire (all NL Raiders A), Jono Rochenberger (NL Raiders A plus one for C team)
Darren Brown, Ben Chernoff, Scott Oldstein, Ryan Cole, Adam Goldman (all Redbridge JC A)
Elliot Stern, Brad Sharp (both Harmen)
Shai Revivo, Avi Markewitz (both Blizzard Storm)
Nathan Harrod, Joey Lazare, Josh Laurier, Oli Leigh, Michael Kenley (all Brady Maccabi)
Connor Perl, Max Kyte (both ML Lions B)
Shai Revivo (Blizzard Storm)
Sam Reeves (Faithfold B)
Oron Sheldon, Josh Kalinsky (both Brixton)
Joe Davis (Los Blancos)
Ben Myers, Craig Cohen, Ashley Lawrence, Dan Amram, Dan Cohen (all SPEC FC)
James Korn (FC Team B)
Josh Jacobs, Scott Kay, Ashley Stanton, Jamie Crawford (all Real Sosobad)
Adam Posner, Toby Katz (both Raiders B)
James Abrams, Dan Geey, Danny Ailon, Dan Ash, Dan Selwyn, Ben Annis, Rafi Bloom (all Oakwood B)
Richie Caplin, Jay Lawrence, Sam Moss, Carl Dobrin, Dan Andrews, Dean Ben Yosef (all Redbridge JC B)
Mitch Green, Adam Waters, Andy Cohen (all Scrabble FC)
Rafi Noe, Alex Neiss, Yossi Goldberg, Lolu Hibbert (all Real Hendon)
Jack Lewis, Charles Braunstein, Marc Woolfe, Oli Nathan (all NL Raiders C)
Eddie Sternberg, Eitan Ben-Zion, Oli Senchal, Dan Alfreds (all FC Team C)
Eli Cohen, Benji Weinberger, Charlie Cohen, Aron Keller, Daniel Mattey (all ML Lions B)
James Neidle, Avi Mocton, Sammy Barron, Ben Blackston, David Reid (all Hendon B)
Joel Isaacs, Danny Yeshua, Tal Cohen (all Catford & Bromley)
Eitan Ben-Zion, Jon Kay, David Prager, Josh Lewis (all L’Equipe)
Ed Green, Rob Rodney (both Athletic Bilbaum)
Simon Englander (Boca Jewniors)
Amir Wiselman (Temple Fortune)
1 – Chaim Korman, Simon Peterman, Rafi Kon (both Hendon A)
Michael Khalastchi, Jake Saunders, Jordan Silverstone, Guy Marks, Dan Baneth (all Camden Park)
Dean Shaw, Aron Luftig, Josh Bharier, Adam Levene, Michael Woolfe, Jonti Amberand (all Blizzard Storm)
Simon Davies, Dan Rose, Jonny Quinn (all Oakwood A)
Ryan Cole, Danny Hakimi, Adam Hakimi, Danny Berg (all Redbridge JC A)
Harry Hatchwell, David Soutar, Richard Gold, Adam Abadi, Tom Prias, Ben Winters (all ML Lions A)
Dan Perkins, David James Cohen, David Gance, Yoav Lebens (all FC Team A)
Alex Taylor, Rob Blackman, Jon Morris, Jake Gottlieb, Dominic Cheniart, Oli Sade (all Harmen)
Jono Rochwerger, Josh Morris, Alex Moss (both NL Raiders A)
Adam Goodman, Scott Jay, Elliot Coulton, Jon Lessem, Barry Green, Jamie Crawford, Jamie Shaw (all Real Sosobad)
Richard Hayim, Kutner, Saul Hoyland, James Belchak, Jeff Gross, Benjy Israel, Jamie Kutner, Simon Moses, Sam Cramer (all Los Blancos)
Paul Harris, Marc Cohen, Ashley Lawrence, Laurence Rosenthal, Daniel Pike (all SPEC FC)
Ben Binder, Ricky Shafier, Jake Weiner (all FC Team B)
Zack Gordon, Scott McKenzie, David Dobrin, Ben Chernoff, Joe Jordan (all Redbridge JC B)
Elliot Dagul, Joel Reuben, Ben Korn, Oli Leigh (all Brady Maccabi)
Martin Sales, Adam Poole, Andy Levy (all Woodford)
Dan Cohen, Ashley Freeman, Darren Bloom, Marc Charles, Ben Portnoi, Eli Leader, Joe Cohen (all Faithfold B)
Nicky Woolf, Danny Bloom, Jacob Gold, Rob Samuelson, Lewis Blitz, Scott Waissel, Anthony Shaw, Josh Goldstein, Simon Buchler (all NL Raiders B)
Aaron Searle, Dan King, Dani Dennison, Rafi Bloom, Anthony Kintish, Toby Levy, Josh Dinkinson (all Oakwood B)
Josh Cohen, Gideon Gold, Scott Greenfield, Johnny Borchardt, Joseph Eshkinazi (all Brixton)
Danny Yeshua, Yarden Sharon, Ben David, Danny Bennaroch (all Catford & Bromley)
Ben David, Eli Shebson, Saul Cohen, Gab Saul, Rob Benson, Jono Nesbitt (all Hendon B)
Don Nineberg, Josh Flax, Adam Pearlman, Anthony Goodmaker, Josh Tiano, Tom Prevezer (all Scrabble FC)
Josh Klepper, Mike Byers, Lee Fegan, Jonathan Cohen, Gideon Wetrin, Amier Wiselman (all Temple Fortune)
Sammy Kingston, Daniel Mattey, Theo Azouz, Zak Linden, Sammy Kingston, Adam Abadi, Sam Shooter, Dom Feldman, Guy Surkis (all ML Lions B)
Jack Lewis, Oli Nathan, Alex Elf, Charles Braunstein, Liam Stein (all NL Raiders C)
Nick Stern, Jules Bohm, Jeremy Newton (all L’Equipe)
Gilad Kestenbaum, Yossi Lubin, Rafi Addlestone, Doron Shooter, Yoni Cohen (all Real Hendon)
Elliot Kindler, Ben Nachoom, Oliver Sharpstone, Sam Deaner, Seb Silverman (both Athletic Bilbaum)
James Millman, Jamie Cooper (both FC Team C)
Ben Myatt, Josh Barnett, Ash Ilsen, Ben Portnoi, Dan Yoss (all Faithfold C)
Brett Schuman (Boca Jewniors)
25 - Dovi Fehler (Hendon A)
24 - Daniel Garfinkle (Redbridge JC A – including 3 for RJC B)
19 - Dave Woolman (Oakwood A)
18 - James Gershfield (Harmen)
12 - Jordan Marks (NL Raiders A)
11 - Zac Lewis (Hendon A)
David Dinkin (NL Raiders A)
10 - Sam Sollosi (Redbridge JC A)
9 - Shim Bensoor (FC Team A)
7 - David Joseph Cohen (FC Team A)
Steve Summers (Redbridge JC A)
James Gold (ML Lions A)
Brad Wine (Oakwood A)
6 – Oscar Wagner (NL Raiders A)
Dan Green, Sam Castle (both Harmen)
Sam Kantor (Oakwood including one for B-team)
5 - Rob Hershkorn (Camden Park)
Guy Helman (Oakwood A)
Nathan Sollosi (Redbridge JC A)
Avi Korman (Hendon A)
Ricky Engleman (NL Raiders A)
4 - Adam Arnold (Harmen)
Alex Kaye (NL Raiders A)
Ben Sollosi, Dean Nyman (all Redbridge JC A)
Kyle Bentwood (Oakwood A)
Josh Marks, David Kanzen (both Camden Park)
Moses Seitler, Simon Peterman, Yoav Kestenbaum (all Hendon A)
3 - Ari Last, Greg Corin, Ethan Zone (all Hendon A)
Jason Goldstein, James Berkley (both Redbridge JC A)
Nick Lewis, Liron Mannie, Ben Ellis, Alex Bloch (all NL Raiders A)
Alon Hershkorn, Bar Hariely, Jeremy Julius (all FC Team A)
Jonti Aremband (Blizzard Storm)
2 - Rob Sanford, Kane Gilbery (both FC Team A)
Connor Perl, Max Kyte (both ML Lions B)
Shai Revivo, Avi Markewitz (both Blizzard Storm)
David Rhodes, Nyv Bogaire (both NL Raiders A)
Darren Brown, Ben Chernoff, Scott Oldstein, Adam Goldman (all Redbridge JC A)
Elliot Stern, Brad Sharp (both Harmen)
Alex Lee, Josh Rose (both Oakwood A)
Jono Rochenberger (NL Raiders A plus one for C team)
1 – Chaim Korman, Simon Peterman, Rafi Kon (all Hendon A)
Dean Shaw, Aron Luftig, Josh Bharier, Adam Levene, Michael Woolfe (all Blizzard Storm)
Ryan Cole, Nathan Sollosi, Danny Hakimi, Adam Hakimi, Danny Berg (all Redbridge JC A)
Harry Hatchwell, David Soutar, Richard Gold, Adam Abadi, Tom Prias, Ben Winters (all ML Lions A)
Dan Perkins, David James Cohen, David Gance, Yoav Lebens (all FC Team A)
Jake Saunders, Michael Khalastchi, Jordan Silverstone, Guy Marks, Dan Baneth (all Camden Park)
Oliver Leslie, Alex Taylor, Rob Blackman, Jon Morris, Jake Gottlieb, Dominic Cheniart, Oli Sade (all Harmen)
Josh Morris, Alex Moss (both NL Raiders A)
Simon Davies, Dan Rose, Jonny Quinn (all Oakwood A)
29 - Reiss Mogilner (Brady Maccabi)
19 - Richard Salmon (FC Team B including one for A team)
18 - Jon Breger (FC Team B)
17 - Jacob Richler Kleiman (Oakwood B)
16 - Lorian Madanes (FC Team B)
12 - Zack Neiman (SPEC FC)
David Fialka (Redbridge JC B – including one for A-team)
Andy Sheena (FC Team B)
11 - Harrison Midda (Woodford Wanderers)
10 - Jono Gaon (Los Blancos)
Tom Alexander (Woodford Wanderers)
8 - Adam Rones (FC Team B)
Jamie Kent (Faithfold B including 4 for C team)
James Ryan (Woodford Wanderers)
7 - Josh Orgel (Redbridge JC B)
Bobby Abrams, Daniel Seligman (both Oakwood B)
6 - Josh Green (NL Raiders B)
Adam Hersh (Los Blancos)
Elliot Wallis (SPEC FC)
Dan Lassman (Real Sosobad)
5 - Josh Newman, Sam Monjack (both Brady Maccabi)
Darren Russell (Los Blancos)
Jake Gilbert (NL Raiders B)
Ashley Burns (SPEC FC)
Alex Aviram (Woodford)
Richie Caplin (Redbridge JC B)
David Grossman (FC Team B)
4 - Dan Harrod (Brady Maccabi)
Yoni Fialka (Redbridge JC B)
Alex Hershman, Ricky Lawrence (both SPEC FC)
James Law, Sam McCarthy, Fabio Revieccio (all Real Sosobad)
James Abrams (Oakwood B)
Danny Moss (FC Team B)
Daniel Kuber (Brixton Old Boys)
Elliott Gold (Woodford Wanderers)
3 – Dan Orgel, Barry Green, Richard Rosenthal (all Real Sosobad)
Ben Zloof (Faithfold B), Craig Cole (Faithfold B - plus one for C team)
Marc Hecht (SPEC FC)
Paul Biller, Mitch Hahn (all Woodford Wanderers)
Tim Heynes, Joel Kutner (both Los Blancos)
Dave Lusman (Brixton)
Matt Frohlich (Brady)
Mitch Young (FC Team B)
Bradley Gayer (Redbridge JC B)
2 - Sam Reeves (Faithfold B)
Josh Jacobs, Scott Kay, Ashley Stanton (all Real Sosobad)
Nathan Harrod, Joey Lazare, Josh Laurier, Oli Leigh, Michael Kenley (all Brady Maccabi)
Jay Lawrence, Sam Moss, Carl Dobrin, Jamie Crawford, Dean Ben Yosef (all Redbridge JC B)
Joe Davis (Los Blancos)
Dan Geey, Danny Ailon, Dan Ash, Ben Annis, Rafi Bloom (all Oakwood B)
Ben Myers, Craig Cohen, Ashley Lawrence, Dan Amram, Dan Cohen (all SPEC FC)
Adam Posner, Toby Katz (both Raiders B)
Oron Sheldon, Josh Kalinsky (both Brixton)
James Korn (FC Team B)
1 – Adam Goodman, Scott Jay, Elliot Coulton, Jon Lessem, Jamie Shaw (all Real Sosobad)
Richard Hayim, Saul Hoyland, James Belchak, Jeff Gross, Benjy Israel, Jamie Kutner, Simon Moses, Sam Cramer (all Los Blancos)
Paul Harris, Ashley Lawrence, Laurence Rosenthal, Daniel Pike (all SPEC FC)
Zack Gordon, Scott McKenzie, David Dobrin, Dan Andrews, Ben Chernoff, Joe Jordan (all Redbridge JC B)
Elliot Dagul, Joel Reuben, Ben Korn (all Brady Maccabi)
Dan Cohen, Ashley Freeman, Darren Bloom, Marc Charles, Ben Portnoi, Eli Leader, Joe Cohen (all Faithfold B)
Nicky Woolf, Danny Bloom, Jacob Gold, Rob Samuelson, Lewis Blitz, Scott Waissel, Anthony Shaw, Josh Goldstein, Simon Buchler (all NL Raiders B)
Aaron Searle, Dan King, Dan Selwyn, Dani Dennison, Anthony Kintish, Toby Levy, Josh Dinkinson (all Oakwood B)
Ben Binder, Ricky Shafier, Jake Weiner (all FC Team B)
Josh Cohen, Gideon Gold, Scott Greenfield, Johnny Borchardt, Joseph Eshkinazi, Dave Lusman (all Brixton)
Martin Sales, Adam Poole, Andy Levy (all Woodford)
26 - Josh Bloom (ML Lions B)
25 - Zak McLeod (Scrabble FC)
17 - Danny Sherman (Scrabble FC)
Elliott Espinoza (Scrabble FC)
15 - Ben Bell (Athletic Bilbaum)
13 - Andy Smith (L’Equipe)
12 - Dan Gordon (Faithfold C)
Will Ufland (NL Raiders C)
11 - Jacob Brunner (Athletic Bilbaum)
Gav Noe (Real Hendon)
Dan Fattal (ML Lions B)
Benni Sluckis (Hendon B)
Jamie Sinai (Catford & Bromley)
9 - Mark Smith (L'Equipe)
Adam Lenz (Temple Fortune)
Chaim Gothold (Real Hendon)
8 - Nick Landesberg (ML Lions B)
Leor Harel (Faithfold C)
7 - Dean Rosenthal, Jake Hayman (both ML Lions B)
Jonathan Peters (Scrabble FC)
Oliver Telvi (NL Raiders C)
6 - Ed Green (Athletic Bilbaum)
Eddie Sternberg, Freddie Marks (both FC Team C)
Rafi Noe (Real Hendon)
Benji Weinberger (ML Lions B)
5 - Julius Judah, Josh Pugh, (both Athletic Bilbaum)
Jeff Gotch (Catford & Bromley)
Josh Cooper (FC Team C)
Gideon Barth (Hendon B)
4 - Rob Benson (Temple Fortune)
Dave Sherman (Faithfold C)
Jono Nesbitt (Hendon B)
Jacob Holder, Rob Rodney (both Athletic Bilbaum)
Josh Sheridan (Scrabble FC)
Alex Goodman, Nick Haringman, Alex Elf (all NL Raiders C)
Elio Elia (Boca Jewniors)
Charlie Cohen (ML Lions B)
James Bell, Grant Bates (both L’Equipe)
Ashley Stokes (Catford & Bromley)
Danny Steel (Real Hendon)
3 – Nicky Sugarman, Eitan Ben-Zion (all FC Team C)
Mark Singer, James Mandell, Rob Simons (all L’Equipe)
Ed Brafman, Elias Cohen, Zak Linden (all ML Lions B)
Richard Adams (Catford & Bromley)
Josh Webber (Boca Jewniors)
Lolu Hibbert (Real Hendon)
2 - Mitch Green, Adam Waters, Andy Cohen, Aron Keller, Daniel Mattey (all ML Lions B)
James Neidle, Avi Mocton, Sammy Barron, Ben Blackston, David Reid (all Hendon B)
Joel Isaacs, Danny Yeshua, Tal Cohen (all Catford & Bromley)
Martin Smulovitch, Alex Neiss, Yossi Goldberg (all Real Hendon)
Oli Senchal, Dan Alfreds (both FC Team C)
Rob Simons, Jon Kay, David Prager, Josh Lewis (all L’Equipe)
Jack Lewis, Charles Braunstein, Marc Woolfe, Oli Nathan (all NL Raiders C)
Anthony Goodmaker (Scrabble FC)
Simon Englander (Boca Jewniors)
Amir Wiselman (Temple Fortune)
1 - Yarden Sharon, Ben David, Danny Bennaroch (all Catford & Bromley)
Ben David, Eli Shebson, Saul Cohen, Gab Saul, Rob Benson, Jono Nesbitt (all Hendon B)
Adam Pearlman, Josh Flax, Don Nineberg, Josh Tiano, Tom Prevezer, Adam Waters (all Scrabble FC)
Josh Klepper, Mike Byers, Lee Fegan, Jonathan Cohen, Gideon Wetrin, Amier Wiselman (all Temple Fortune)
Sammy Kingston, Theo Azouz, Sam Shooter, Adam Abadi, Dom Feldman, Guy Surkis (all ML Lions B)
Jack Lewis, Alex Elf, Charles Braunstein, Liam Stein (all NL Raiders C)
Nick Stern, Jules Bohm, Jeremy Newton (all L’Equipe)
Gilad Kestenbaum, Yossi Lubin, Yoni Cohen (both Real Hendon)
Eliot Kindler, Ben Nachoom, Oliver Sharpstone, Sam Deaner, Seb Silverman (all Athletic Bilbaum)
James Millman, Jamie Cooper (both FC Team C)
Ben Myatt, Josh Barnett, Ash Ilsen, Ben Portnoi, Dan Yoss (all Faithfold C)
Brett Schuman (Boca Jewniors)
Alex Neiss, Yossi Lubin, Rafi Addlestone, Doron Shooter (all Real Hendon)
6 - Reiss Mogilner (Brady Maccabi)
5 - Dovi Fehler (Hendon A)
3 – Zack Lewis (Hendon A)
Daniel Garfinkle (Redbridge A & B)
Jacob Richler Kleiman (Oakwood B)
2 – James Gershfield (Harmen)
Andy Sheena, Lorian Madanes (both FC Team B)
Jono Gaon (Los Blancos)
Dean Rosenthal, Josh Bloom (both ML Lions B)
Elliott Espinoza, Zak McLeod (both Scrabble FC)
1 - Ari Last, Simon Peterman, Moses Seitler (all Hendon A)
Sam Sollosi (Redbridge JC A)
Jordan Marks, Liron Mannie (both NL Raiders A)
Rob Hershkorn (Camden Park)
Shai Davidi (Faithfold A)
David Joseph Cohen, Jeremy Julius (both FC Team A)
Dave Woolman (Oakwood A)
Sam Monjack, Josh Newman (both Brady Maccabi)
Harrison Midda (Woodford Wanderers)
David Fialka (Redbridge JC B)
Bobby Abrams (Oakwood B)
Dan Orgel (Real Sosobad)
Daniel Kuber (Brixton Old Boys)
Jon Breger (FC Team B)
Zack Neiman (SPEC FC)
Gav Noe (Real Hendon)
Will Ufland (NL Raiders C)
Andy Smith (L’Equipe)
Jacob Holder, Josh Pugh, Ben Bell, Edward Green (all Athletic Bilbaum)
Charlie Cohen, Jake Hayman (both Maccabi London Lions B)
Jamie Kent, Shai Davidi (both Faithfold C)
- This list includes goals scored in the MGBSFL and Cyril Anekstein Cup only
- Premier Division tallies have been recalculated following the withdraw