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JC team of the week: the contenders - September 6

September 6, 2015 16:41

ByDanny Caro, Danny Caro

1 min read

Here are the nominations from Matchday One of the season.

Ricky Zeiderman (London Rovers)
Adam Solomons (Scrabble)

Gideon Caller (Hendon B)
Dan King (Oakwood B)
Sam Ruback (Scrabble)
Callion McGregor (Catford)

Ari Last (Hendon A)
Kyle Bentwood (Oakwood A)
Jono Nesbitt, Gideon Barth, Ben Blackston (all Hendon B)
Richard Adams (Catford)
Anton Feingold, Dave Eden (both Oakwood B)
Joshua Flax, Jonathan Peters (both Scrabble)
Lee Goldberg, Adam Kay (both London Rovers)