ByDanny Caro, Danny Caro
Jamie Kent and Ben Zloof were in the goals again but it's the Shirley Park marksman who leads the way as the battle for the JC MSFL Golden Boot hots up.
31 - Jamie Kent (Shirley Park)
27 - Ben Zloof (AC Mill Hill)
18 - Lee Cash (LM Lions A - 10 for Neasden A), Adam Hersh (Los Blancos)
17 - Alex Elf (Hendon Utd SC C), Ben Polak (Oakwood B)
16 - Jono Gaon (Tottenham Chutspah), Adam Stolerman (Redbridge JC A)
15 - Yishai Last (Hendon B)
14 - Richard Silver (Camden), Reiss Mogilner (Brady B)
13 - Richard Fogelman (Jewventus), Terry Jeffries (Temple Fortune B), David Joseph Cohen (FC Team C)
12 - Gideon Gold (Shirley Park)
11 - Daryl Phillips (Faithfold A), Josh Green (Norstar A), Dan Hildebrand (Brady B), Chaim Gothold (Hendon B), Jake Gilbert (Athletic Bilbaum), Ben Simons (Faithfold C)
10 - Stefan Benfredj (Shirley Park), Jonathan Green (Brady A + 1 for B), Max Kyte (LM Lions B + 2 for A), James Gold (LML B), Dan Orgel (Temple Fortune A), Ashley Burns (SPEC FC), Brad Wine (Oakwood)
9 - Ben Bell (Bilbaum), Mike Pearson (Faithfold A + 7 for LML A), Assi Avital (UJIA), James Joseph (Brady B), Jamie Sinai (Catford & Bromley), Saul Conway (Shirley Park) Craig Sandford (Glenthorne A), John Kemp (Temple Fortune B)
8 - Adam Goldman (Glenthorne Utd B), James Ryan (Woodford), Brad Wine (Oakwood), Josh Hershman (Brady A), Daniel Amram (SPEC FC)
7 - Lorian Madanes (LML A), Jonny Haik (Faithfold A), Alon Hershkorn (Brixton A), Oli Joseph (Neasden B), Gabriel John (Jewventus), Greg Corin (Hendon A), RA Noe,(Hendon B), Freddie Marks (FC Team B), Avidan Last (Hendon A), David Lusman (Shirley Park), Mitch Hahn (Woodford), David Dinkin (Raiders A), Ryan Cole (Glenthorne B), Jaime Sinclair (Loughton Orient), Richard Salmon (FC Team A), Steve Summers (Redbridge A), Ben Binder (Redbridge B)
6 - Jamie Wolfson (NL Raiders A), Declan Selbo (FC Team A), Craig Edwards (Temple Fortune A), David James Cohen (FC Team C), Bobby Abrams (NW Neasden B), Matt Geey (Oakwood B), Ethan Zone (NL Raiders B), Josh Dagul (Brady B), Daniel Lassman (Glenthorne A)
5 - Alon Hershkorn (Brixton A), Josh Toff (Camden Park), Anthony Mendel (Chigwell), Nick Haringman (Norstar C), Rocky Spitzer (Faithfold A), Michael Goldberg (Temple Fortune A), Dan Gordon (Redbridge B), Ben Kon (Hendon A), Ed Green (Bilbaum), Ari Last (Hendon A), Dan Oade (Shirley Park), Ben Myers (Oakwood B), Jacob Gold, (Hendon A), Danny Kon (Hendon A), Nick Landesberg, Benji Weinberger (both London Lions A), Craig Cohen (SPEC FC), Jon Ellis (Brady A), Shai Davidi (Temple Fortune A), Rob Blackman (Norstar B), Elliott Wallis (SPEC FC), Charlie Cohen (Oakwood), Stefan Simons (Faithfold C + 1 for B), Dave Sherman (Faithfold C)
4 - Yoav Lebens (LM Lions A), Luke Brookner (Camden Park), Matty Kleinman (Faithfold B), Nicky Plotnek (Shirley Park), Joel Kutner (Los Blancos), Scott Ackerman (AC Mill Hill), Oli Simons (Blizzard), Zak Presky (Blizzard), James Abrams, Louis Taylor (both NW Neasden B), Ricky Lawrence (SPEC FC), Mark Truman (AC Mill Hill), Jason Shoffman (AC Mill Hill), TJ Keterman (LM Lions A), Daniel Pike (SPEC FC), James Alexander (Jewventus), Dovid Korman (Hendon Utd SC A), Jack Vangelder (Redbridge JC A), James Gershfield (both LM Lions A), Ben Joseph (Brady A), Dave Eden ( Oakwood B), Rob Hershkorn (Camden), Dan Castle (Chigwell), Dan Harrod (Brady B), Josh Gaon (Los Blancos), Simon Buchler (Raiders C + 1 for B), Nicky Woolf (Raiders B), Adam Aminoff (FC Team C), ), Shim Bensoor (FC Team C + 1 for LM Lions A), Zak McLeod (Norstar A), Daniel Lipman (Glenthorne A), James Lester (Loughton Orient), Richard Salmon (FC Team A), Craig Pearl (Chigwell), Kane Gilbery, (Temple Fortune A), Ollie Squires (Temple Fortune B), Mark Martell (Jewventus)
3 - Yoni Raeburn (Faithfold A), Josh Bentley (Oakwood), Jon Breger (FC Team A), Adam Bolle (Redbridge A), Michael Posner (Brixton A), Josh Brooks (Faithfold B), Dan Cohen (SPEC FC), David Kanzen (Camden Park), Jay Lawrence (Glenthorne B), Sam Foster (Neasden B), Adam Goldsmith (FC Team B), Adam Speck (Blizzard), Doron Hershkorn (Faithfold B), Alex Bull (Southgate Harmen), Connor Perlmutter (Harmen), Luke Goldsmith, Dan Tannenbaum (both Norstar C), Oliver Done, Sammy Hakimian (both Tottenham Chutspah), Rafi Bloom (Oakwood A + 1 for B team), Carl Peters (Oakwood B + 1 for A team), Dan Simons (Blizzard), Sam Lewis (Faithfold B), Gideon Aminoff (FC Team C), Rob Kleinmann (AC Mill Hill), Alex Kaye, Dan Howard (Faithfold A), Dan Beckwith (Shirley Park), Matt Sofier (Brady A), Ben Sheldon (Norstar A), Vic Librae, Adam Blin (both Oakwood B), Dan Perkins (Faithfold A), Adam Joselyn (Raiders A), Joe Summary (Woodford), David Blitz (Loughton Orient), Adam Luria (Catford & Bromley), Ben Hart (Raiders B), Ben Slukis (Hendon SC C), Richard Angel (Athletic Bilbaum), Josh Younger, Ali Gordon (both Norstar C), Harrison Grant (Redbridge B), Barry Green (Loughton Orient), Zack White (Brady A), Danny Moss (FC Team A), Paul Lenchner (Chigwell), Fabio Riveccio (Glenthorne A), Jonathan Kay (Norstar B), Dean Shaw (Blizzard), David Esterkin (Raiders A)
2 – Brad Frankel, Ben Sollosi (both Redbridge JC A), Ben Graham (Redbridge JC A), Oli Craig, Alex Bowman (both LM Lions), Simon Lawrence (Faithfold A), Oli Henry (Raiders A), Richard Slater (Chigwell), Elliot Setyon, Louis Taylor, Simon Cohen (all NW Neasden B), Jon Fisher (FC Team B), Mark Fenton (Jewventus), Josh Pistol (Norstar C), Lex Slater (Boca Jewniors), Dean Ingram (Temple Fortune B), Zack White (Neasden A), Mikey Mendelsohn (Los Blancos), David Shamash (Raiders B), Darren Russell (Raiders B), Nick Bord, Jon Isaacs (both UJIA), Scott Jay (Glenthorne A), Sam Levin (Norstar B), Jonny Horowitz (Faithfold B), Jamie Shaw (Glenthorne A), Gavin Noe (Hendon B), Jamie Fox (Chigwell), Craig Cole (Temple Fortune A), Scott Oldstein (Redbridge JC B), Avi Markiewicz (Hendon B), Will Beresford (Lions B), Adam Leveson (Neasden B), Jimmy Castle (Redbridge JC B), Sami Birnbaum (Los Blancos), Seb Silverman (Bilbaum), Stuart Muller (Blizzard), Dan Rook (Jewventus), Richard Winton (Faithfold B), Alex Neiss (Hendon B), , Craig Phillips (Hendon C), Oli Nathan (Norstar CJoe Stolerman (Blizzard), Jordan Marks (LM Lions A), Sam McCarthy (Redbridge JC A), , Jerome Marks, Harrison Midda, (both Woodford), Charlie Kasler (Brady B), Daniel Sugarman (Redbridge JC A), Adam Kaldor (Norstar A), Adam Arnold (Brixton), Jonny Hesselberg (Raiders A), Pinty Baddiel (Hendon B), Martin Smulovitch (Hendon SC B), Daniel Woolfe (FC Team B), Adam Lenz, Joe Levy (both AC Mill Hill), Dan Lassman (Glenthorne A),Brett Stead (Temple Fortune B + 1 for A), James Lesner, Adam Glekin (Hendon C), Rob Sanford (FC Team C), Avi Nejad (FC Team C), Jamie Crawford (Glenthorne B), Jamie Bernstein (Glenthorne A), Darryl Green (Woodford), Adam Conway (Loughton Orient), Marc Harris (FC Team A), Dean Ben Yosef (Chigwell), Sam Arghebant (LML B), James Law (Glenthorne A), Dan Lowen (Faithfold C), Rob Sanford, Avi Nejad, Oli Senchal, Matt Sheldon, Eitan Ben-Zion (all FC Team C)
1 - Paul Savitz (Faithfold A), Rafi Kon (Hendon A), Jeremy Elster, Sammy Kalms (both Norstar A), Mike Hershman (Raiders A), Sam Franks (Brixton A), Bobby Cousins (Oakwood A), Tom Miller, Marc Harris (both FC Team A) Marc Lazare (Brady A), Adam Bernstein, Daryl Rubin, Richard Rosenthal, (Glenthorne Utd A), Nick Russell (Shirley Park), James Josephs (Hendon B), Adam Kosky, (LML B), Guy Benaharon (Faithfold B), Josh Mizrahi, Alex Rubin (Blizzard Storm), Jordan Sapler, (Glenthorne Utd B), Sam Roth, Mark Pasha (all Athletic Bilbaum), Dan Goldstone,(Brady B), Mitch Lassman (FC Team B), Ben Annis (Los Blancos), Phil Peters (Norstar B), Dave Sawyer (Temple Fortune B), Josh Pistol (Norstar C), Ben Harris, Leo Feldman, Josh Marks (all Camden Park), James Rubin, Josh Wynne (all Glenthorne A), Joel Isaccs (Catford & Bromley), Marc Hecht (SPEC FC), Andy Herman (Glenthorne B), James Segal, Theo Mandel, Zach Margolin (all Tottenham Chutspah), Jamie Weinrich, Lex Slater (both Boca), Ori Kobi (Harmen), Eli Houri (Norstar B), Daniel Alfreds (FC Team B), Gary Hill, Charlie Resnick, Ben Portnoi (all Faithfold C), Gideon Caller, Benny Goldberg, Daniel Mayor (all Hendon C), Dan Krieger (Norstar C), Paul Hutter (Temple Fortune B), Adam Morrow, Tom Goldstein (both Tottenham Chutspah), Richard Linton, Dan Harris (both Faithfold B), Ben Nassim, Darren Rolfe (both UJIA), Alex Rosenthall (Hendon A), Josh Rosenfeld (Brady A), Jason Green (Blizzard), Elliot Castle (Redbridge B), Matt West, (Loughton Orient), Joe Sumray (Woodford), Josh Rubin (Oakwood A), Philip Braham (Faithfold B), Mike Khalastachi, Dan Baneth (both Camden Park), Nicky Harris (Tottenham Chutspah), Stuart Haring, Jonny Lee, Dan Zegze (both Catford), Michael Gaventa (Los Blancos), Paul Katz (AC Mill Hill), David Domb (Norstar B), Danny Hakimi (Redbridge JC A), Toby Levy (Oakwood), Richard Baum (Chigwell), Josh Murwis (Faithfold B), Jack Schofield, Josh Gilbery (both Temple Fortune A), Ilan Shaki (Shirley Park), James Press (UJIA), Richard Gold (LM Lions B), Andrey Grayson (Blizzard), Adam Leveson (Neasden B), Sam Frohlich (Brady B), Daniel Henig (SPEC FC), Johnny Pressman (Oakwood B), Ben Weinberg (Brixton A), Rob Murray (SPEC), David Elf , Haki Elias, Benni Sluckis (all Hendon C), Elliot Espinoza (Raiders A), Danny Sherman (Brixton A), Harry Waterman, Ben Grabiner (both AC Mill Hill), Dan Behar (LM Lions), Jake Weiner (FC Team A), Adam Bier (Bilbaum), Ashley Stokes, Ryan Kangisser, Joel Berwitz (all Catford), Dan Curtis, Byron Watkins, Joel Levitt (all Norstar C), Ben Moss (Faithfold B), Dan Ash (Oakwood A), Brett Freeman (Blizzard), Adam Levene (Neasden B), Dave Newman (SPEC FC), Rob Goldman (Hendon C), Jason Lindsay (Norstar A), Ed Weisz, Nick Kenton (both Brixton A), Paul Babai (Faithfold A + 1 for B), Jonny Blain (NL Raiders B), Daniel Rothman (FC Team C), Rober Lerner (Brady A), Nick Astaire (LM Lions B), Nick Kershberg (AC Mill Hill), Alan Markovitch (Blizzard), Alex Taylor (Faithfold A), Josh Lipman (Hendon A), JJ Spiro (Norstar A), David Rose (LM Lions B), Simon Shelley (Shirley Park), Michael Winehouse (Glenthorne B), Josh Taylor, Bradley Rains (both Redbridge JC B), Jules Gertner (Los Blancos), Josh Magidson (Bilbaum), Josh Barth, Dan Garsin (both Norstar C), Brad Sharp (Brady A), Guy Marks (Camden Park), Dec Spiro (Norstar A), Adam Poole, Paul Billa (both Woodford), Ran Sanburu (Shirley Park), Adam Waters (Los Blancos), Ami Wynbourne (Jewventus), Ben Levy (Oakwood B), Rob Kaplan (NW Neasden A), Nathan Harrod, Ollie Kay (both Brady B), Oli Hitman, Yoni Bord (both Catford), Dan Wright (Redbridge JC B), Shuey Mirwis, Jon Toby (both FC Team A), Michael Field, David Fox (both Neasden A), Toby Katz, Matt Greene (Raiders B), Jason Davis (Brady B), Daniel Finegold (L’Equipe), Oren Hury (Oakwood B), Dan Geey, Josh Rose, Adam Levine, David Braudes (all Oakwood A), Jonny Kay (Norstar A), Richard Gold (Redbridge JC B), Adam Newsome (FC Team B), Josh Caplin (Los Blancos), Tony Chadwick, Oli Josephs (Neasden B), Sam Frolich (Brady B), Ben David (Hendon C), Dean Green, Elliot Gold, Jamie Golding (all Woodford), Josh Newman (Brady B), Marc Hymanson (Oakwood B), Alex Goodman, Andy Cohen, Adam Rosenthal (all Norstar C) Joel Berg (Redbridge JC A), Mark Leader (Norstar A), Alex Jacobs (London Lions A), Jonny Quinn (Oakwood A), James Stanley (Southgate Harmen), Michael Irving (Redbridge B), Ben Gourgey (Redbridge B), Avi Schwarz (LM Lions A), Russell Yershon (Chigwell), Andy Levy (Glenthorne A), Rafi Addlestone (Norstar B), Seb Vandermolen (Blizzard), Michael Woolfe (Blizzard), Jeremy Teacher (Faithfold C)
18 - Lee Cash (LM Lions A - 10 for Neasden A)
16 - Adam Stolerman (Redbridge JC A)
11 - Daryl Phillips (Faithfold A), Josh Green (Norstar A), Jonathan Green (Brady A +1 for B)
9 - Mike Pearson (Faithfold A +7 for LML A)
8 - Brad Wine (Oakwood), Josh Hershman (Brady A)
7 - Lorian Madanes (LML A), Jonny Haik (Faithfold A), Greg Corin (Hendon A), Jamie Wolfson (Raiders A), Avidan Last (Hendon A), David Dinkin (Raiders A), Steve Summers (Redbridge A)
6 - Alon Hershkorn (Brixton A), Richard Salmon (FC Team A), Declan Selbo (FC Team A)
5 - Rocky Spitzer (Faithfold A), Ben Kon (Hendon A), Ari Last (Hendon A), Jacob Gold (Hendon A), Danny Kon (Hendon A), Nick Landesberg (London Lions A), Benji Weinberger (London Lions A), Jon Ellis (Brady A), Rob Blackman (Norstar B)
4 - Yoav Lebens, TJ Keterman (both LM Lions A),), Dovid Korman (Hendon Utd SC A), James Gershfield (both LM Lions A), Ben Joseph (Brady A), Adam Joselyn (Raiders A)
3 - Yoni Raeburn (Faithfold A), Adam Bolle (Redbridge A), Josh Bentley (Oakwood), Jon Breger (FC Team A), David Kanzen (Camden Park), Michael Posner (Brixton A), Rafi Bloom (Oakwood A + 1 for B team), Alex Kaye, Faithfold A), Dan Howard (Faithfold A), Matt Sofier (Brady A), Ben Sheldon (Norstar A), Jack Vangelder (Redbridge JC A), Dan Perkins (Faithfold A), Zak McLeod (Norstar A), Zack White (Brady A), Danny Moss, David Esterkin (Raiders A)
2 – Brad Frankel (Redbridge JC A), Ben Graham (Redbridge JC A), Oli Craig (LM Lions A), Nick Landesberg (LM Lions A), Ben Sollosi (Redbridge JC A), Simon Lawrence (Faithfold A), Oli Henry (Raiders A), Jordan Marks (LM Lions A), Sam McCarthy (Redbridge JC A), Daniel Sugarman (Redbridge JC A), Adam Kaldor (Norstar A), Adam Arnold (Brixton), Jonny Hesselberg (Raiders A), Harrison Grant (Redbridge B)
1 - Paul Savitz (Faithfold A), Paul Babai (Faithfold A + 1 for B), Bobby Cousins, Josh Bentley (both Oakwood A), Sam Franks (Brixton A), Tom Miller, Mark Harris (both FC Team A), Marc Lazare (Brady A), Rafi Kon (Hendon A), Ben Harris, Leo Feldman, Tony Gold (Lions A), Alex Rosenthall (Hendon A), Josh Rosenfeld (Brady A), Josh Rubin (Oakwood A), (Oakwood B), Mike Hershmann (Raiders A), Danny Hakimi (Redbridge JC A), Toby Levy (Oakwood), Ben Weinberg (Brixton A), Elliot Espinoza (Raiders A), Danny Sherman (Brixton A), Dan Behar (LM Lions), Jake Weiner (FC Team A), Dan Ash (Oakwood A), Ed Weisz, Nick Kenton (both Brixton A), Alex Taylor (Faithfold A), Josh Lipman (Hendon A), JJ Spiro, Dec Spiro, Sammy Kalms, Jeremy Elster, Jason Lindsay, Brad Sharp (Brady A), Matt Radstone (UJIA), Shuey Mirwis, Jon Toby (both FC Team A), Dan Geey, Josh Rose, Adam Levine, David Braudes (all Oakwood A), Jonny Kay, Mark Leader (both Norstar A), Alex Jacobs (London Lions A), Jonny Quinn (Oakwood A), Avi Schwarz (London Lions A), Jordan Grant (Norstar B)
31 - Jamie (Shirley Park)
15 - Yishai Last (Hendon B)
14 - Richard Silver (Camden)
12 - Gideon Gold (Shirley Park)
11 - Chaim Gothold (Hendon B)
10 - Stefan Benfredj, (Shirley Park), Max Kyte (Lions B + 2 for A), James Gold (LML B), Dan Orgel (Temple Fortune A)
9 - Assi Avital (UJIA), Saul Conway (Shirley Park), Craig Sandford (Glenthorne A - includes one for B team)
8 - James Ryan (Woodford)
7 - RA Noe, (Hendon B), David Lusman (Shirley Park), Mitch Hahn (Woodford)
6 - Dan Oade (Shirley Park), Daniel Lassman (Glenthorne A)
5 - Craig Edwards (Temple Fortune A), Anthony Mendel (Chigwell), Michael Goldberg (Temple Fortune A), Shai Davidi (Temple Fortune A)
4 - Matty Kleinman (Faithfold B), Nicky Plotnek (Shirley Park), Rob Hershkorn (Camden), Dan Castle (Chigwell), Daniel Lipman (Glenthorne A), Craig Pearl (Chigwell)
3 - Doron Hershkorn, Josh Brooks (both Faithfold B), Neil Tilley (Chigwell), Alex Bull, Connor Perlmutter (both Southgate Harmen), Sam Lewis (Faithfold B) Dan Beckwith (Shirley Park) Kane Gilbery (Temple Fortune A), Harrison Midda (Woodford), Paul Lenchner (Chigwell), Jonny Cutter (LM Lions B), Fabio Revieccio (Glenthorne A)
2 - Richard Slater (both Chigwell),), Nick Bord, Jon Isaacs (both UJIA), Scott Jay, (Glenthorne A), Jonny Horowitz (Faithfold B), Jamie Shaw (Glenthorne A), Gav Noe (Hendon B), Jamie Fox (Chigwell), Craig Cole (Temple Fortune A), Avi Markiewicz (Hendon B), Will Beresford (Lions B), Josh Marks (Camden Park), Richard Winton (Faithfold B), Alex Neiss (Hendon B), Jerome Marks (Woodford), Joe Summary (Woodford), Pinty Baddiel (Hendon B), Martin Smulovitch (Hendon SC B), Dan Lassman, Jamie Bernstein (both Glenthorne A), Darryl Green (Woodford), Dean Ben Yosef (Chigwell), Sam Arghebant (LML B), James Law (Glenthorne A)
1 - Adam Bernstein, Daryl Rubin, Richard Rosenthal, James Rubin, Josh Wynne (all Glenthorne Utd A), Nick Russell (Shirley Park), Guy Benaharon (Faithfold B), James Josephs (Hendon B), Adam Kosky, (LML B), Ben Harris (Camden Park), Zack White (Neasden A), Ori Kobi (Harmen), Richard Linton, Dan Harris (both Faithfold B), Ben Nassim, Darren Rolfe (both UJIA), Phillip Braham (Faithfold B), (Temple Fortune B), Mike Khalastachi, Dan Baneth (both Camden Park), Stuart Haring (Temple Fortune A), Richard Baum (Chigwell), Josh Murwis (Faithfold B), Jack Schofield, Josh Gilbery (both Temple Fortune A), Ilan Shaki (Shirley Park), James Press (UJIA), Richard Gold (LM Lions B), Ben Moss (Faithfold B), Nick Astaire (LM Lions B), David Rose (LM Lions B), Simon Shelley (Shirley Park), Guy Marks (Camden Park, Adam Poole, Paul Billa (both Woodford), Ran Sanburu (Shirley Park), Rob Kaplan, Michael Field, David Fox (NW Neasden A), Matt Radstone (UJIA), Dean Green, Elliot Gold, Jamie Golding (all Woodford), James Stanley (Southgate Harmen), Russell Yershon (Chigwell), Andy Levy (Glenthorne A)
17 - Adam Hersh (Los Blancos)
14 - Reiss Mogilner (Brady B)
11 - Dan Hildebrand (Brady B), Jake Gilbert (Bilbaum)
10- Ashley Burns (SPEC FC)
9 - Ben Bell (Bilbaum), James Joseph (Brady B), Jamie Sinai (Catford & Bromley), Daniel Amram (SPEC FC)
8 - Adam Goldman (Glenthorne Utd B), Freddie Marks (FC Team B), Ethan Zone (NL Raiders B)
7 - Ryan Cole (Glenthorne B), Ben Binder (Redbridge JC B)
6 - Bobby Abrams (NW Neasden B)
5 - Zack Presky (Blizzard), Oli Joseph (Neasden B), Dan Gordon (Redbridge B), Ed Green (Bilbaum), Josh Dagul (Brady B), Craig Cohen (SPEC FC), Elliott Wallis (SPEC FC)
4 - Jay Lawrence (Glenthorne B), Joel Kutner (Los Blancos), Oli Simons (Blizzard), James Abrams, Louis Taylor (both NW Neasden B) Ricky Lawrence (SPEC FC), Daniel Pike (SPEC FC), Dan Harrod (Brady B), Josh Gaon (Los Blancos), Simon Buchler (Raiders C + 1 for B), Nicky Woolf (Raiders B), Richard Angel (Athletic Bilbaum)
3 – Sam Foster (Neasden B), Adam Goldsmith (FC Team B), Michael Woolf (Blizzard), Adam Speck (Blizzard), Dan Cohen (SPEC FC), Adam Luria (Catford & Bromley), Ben Hart (Raiders B), Dean Shaw (Blizzard),
2 - Elliot Setyon, Louis Taylor (both NW Neasden B), Jon Fisher (FC Team B), Mikey Mendelsohn (Los Blancos) David Shamash, Darren Russell (both Raiders B), Sam Levin (Norstar B), Scott Oldstein (Redbridge B), Adam Leveson (Neasden B), Jimmy Castle (Redbridge JC B), Sami Birnbaum (Los Blancos), Seb Silverman (Bilbaum), Stuart Muller (Blizzard), Simon Cohen (Neasden B), Joe Stolerman (Blizzard), Daniel Woolfe (FC Team B), James Lesner (SPEC FC), Jamie Crawford (Glenthorne B)
1 - Josh Mizrahi, Alex Rubin (Blizzard Storm), Jordan Sapler (Glenthorne Utd B), Adam Landes, Sam Roth, Mark Pasha (all Athletic Bilbaum), Dan Goldstone, Mitch Lassman (FC Team B), Ben Annis (Los Blancos), Phil Peters (Norstar A), Joel Isaccs (Catford & Bromley), Marc Hecht, Rob Murray (both SPEC FC), Alex Bowman (Brady B), Eli Houri (Norstar B), Daniel Alfreds (FC Team B), Ryan Glynne (Neasden B), Richard Linton, Dan Harris, (both Faithfold B), Jason Green (Blizzard), Elliot Castle (Redbridge B), Jonny Lee, Dan Zegze (both Catford), Michael Gaventa (Los Blancos), Andrey Grayson (Blizzard), Daniel Garb (Raiders B), Sam Frohlich (Brady B), Daniel Henig (SPEC FC), Adam Bier (Bilbaum), Ashley Stokes, Ryan Kangisser, Joel Berwitz (all Catford), Simon Bagel, Joe Grant, Zack Forbes (all Glenthorne B), Brett Freeman (Blizzard), Adam Levene (Neasden B), Jonny Blain (NL Raiders B), Alan Markovitch (Blizzard), Michael Winehouse (Glenthorne B), Josh Taylor, Bradley Rains (both Redbridge JC B), Jules Gertner (Los Blancos), Josh Magidson (Bilbaum), Adam Waters (Los Blancos), Nathan Harrod, Ollie Kay (both Brady B), Oli Hitman, Yoni Bord (both Catford), Dan Wright (Redbridge JC B), Toby Katz, Matt Greene (Raiders B), Jason Davis (Brady B), Richard Gold (Redbridge JC B), Josh Caplin (Los Blancos), Tony Chadwick, Oli Josephs (Neasden B), Sam Frolich, Josh Newman (both Brady B), Michael Irving (Redbridge B), Ben Gourgey (Redbridge B), Jordan Grant (Norstar B), Rafi Addlestone (Norstar B), Seb Vandermolen (Blizzard), Michael Woolfe (Blizzard)
27 - Ben Zloof (AC Mill Hill)
16 - Jono Gaon (Tottenham Chutspah), Alex Elf (Hendon Utd SC C), Ben Polak (Oakwood B)
13 - Richard Fogelman (Jewventus), Terry Jeffries (Temple Fortune B), David Joseph Cohen (FC Team C)
11 - Ben Simons (Faithfold C)
9 - Jono Gaon (Tottenham Chutspah), John Kemp (Temple Fortune B)
7 - Gabriel John (Jewventus), Jaime Sinclair (Loughton Orient)
6 - David James Cohen (FC Team C), Matt Geey (Oakwood B)
5 - Nick Haringman (Norstar C), Ben Myers (Oakwood B), Charlie Cohen (Oakwood B), Stefan Simons (Faithfold C + 1 for B), Dave Sherman (Faithfold C)
4 - Scott Ackerman, Mark Truman, Jason Shoffman (all AC Mill Hill), James Alexander, Mark Martell (both Jewventus), Dave Eden (Oakwood B), Adam Aminoff (FC Team C), Shim Bensoor (FC Team C + 1 for LM Lions A), James Lester (Loughton Orient), Ollie Squires (Temple Fortune B)
3 - Oliver Done, Sammy Hakimian (both Tottenham Chutspah), Luke Goldsmith (Norstar C), Dan Tannenbaum (all Norstar C), Carl Peters (Oakwood B) +1 for A team), Rob Kleinmann (AC Mill Hill), Gideon Aminoff,(FC Team C) Vic Librae, Adam Blin (both Oakwood B), David Blitz (Loughton Orient), Ben Slukis (Hendon SC C), Josh Younger, Ali Gordon (both Norstar C)
2 - Mark Fenton (Jewventus), Josh Pistol (Norstar C + 1 for A team), Lex Slater (Boca Jewniors), Dean Ingram (Temple Fortune B), Dan Rook (Jewventus), Craig Phillips (Hendon C), Oli Nathan (Norstar C), Adam Lenz, Joe Levy (both AC Mill Hill), Ali Gordon (both Norstar C), Brett Stead (Temple Fortune B + 1 for A), Adam Glekin (Hendon C), Rob Sanford, Avi Nejad, Oli Senchal (both FC Team C), Barry Green (Loughton Orient), Adam Conway (Loughton Orient), Dan Lowen (Faithfold C)
1 - Dave Sawyer (Temple Fortune B), James Segal, Gary Hill (both FC Team C), Charlie Resnick, Ben Portnoi (both Faithfold C), Gideon Caller, Benny Goldberg, Daniel Mayor (all Hendon C), Dan Krieger (Norstar C), Paul Hutter (Temple Fortune B), Nicky Harris (Tottenham Chutspah), Paul Katz, Harry Waterman, Nick Kershberg, Ben Grabiner (all AC Mill Hill), David Domb (Norstar B), Matt Sheldon (FC Team C), Mark Martell (Jewventus), Johnny Pressman (Oakwood B), David Elf, Haki Elias, Benni Sluckis (all Hendon C), Dan Curtis, Byron Watkins, Joel Levitt (all Norstar C), Brad Gayer (Chigwell), Dave Newman (SPEC FC), Rob Goldman (Hendon C), Daniel Rothman (FC Team C), Josh Barth, Dan Garsin (both Norstar C), Ami Wynbourne (Jewventus), Ben Levy (Oakwood B), Daniel Finegold (L’Equipe), Oren Hury (Oakwood B), Ben David (Hendon C), Eitan Ben-Zion (FC Team C), Alex Goodman, Andy Cohen, Adam Rosenthal (all Norstar C), Jeremy Teacher (Faithfold C)
6 - Ben Zloof (AC Mill Hill)
4 - Jamie Kent (Shirley Park)
3 - Alex Elf (Hendon C), Adam Hersh (Los Blancos), Lee Cash (LM Lions A +1 for Neasden B), Jake Gilbert (Athletic Bilbaum)
2 - Assi Avital (UJIA), Yishai Last (Hendon B), Adam Goldman (Glenthorne United B), Jono Gaon (Tottenham Chutspah), John Kemp, Terry Jeffries (both Temple Fortune B), Dan Hildebrand (Brady B), David Joseph Cohen (FC Team C), Mitch Hahn (Woodford)
1 - Jacob Gold (Hendon A), Yoni Raeburn, Jonny Haik (both Faithfold A), Brad Wine (Oakwood), Lorian Madanes, Mike Pearson (both LML A), Adam Bolle (Redbridge JC A), Michael Woolf (Blizzard), Dan Gordon (Redbridge B), Jamie Sinai (Catford & Bromley Maccabi), Oliver Done, Simon Hakimian (both Tottenham Chutspah), Dan Cohen, Craig Cohen (both SPEC), Bobby Abrams (NW Neasden B), Matt Geey, (Oakwood B), Richard Fogelman (Jewventus), Anthony Mendel (Chigwell), Oli Simons, Dan Simons (both Blizzard), Greg Corin (Hendon A),Jonathan Green (Brady A), Gideon Aminoff (FC Team C), Adam Stolerman, (Redbridge JC A), Ethan Zone (NL Raiders B), Ollie Squires (Temple Fortune B), Jason Shoffman (AC Mill Hill), David James Cohen (FC Team C), James Ryan (Woodford), Gabriel John (Jewventus), Freddie Marks (FC Team B), Ben Slukis (Hendon SC C), Josh Younger (Norstar C), Jaime Sinclair (Loughton Orient), Josh Hershman (Brady A), Richard Silver (Camden)
- goals recorded for JC MSFL and JC Cyril Anekstein Cup competitions only
- Email updates to