All grass-roots football in England has been suspended indefinitely following new guidelines from the government.
March 17, 2020 11:26ByDanny Caro, Danny Caro
There were no matches in the Spartan South Midlands League, Chesman League, MJSL and Watford Friendly League last weekend, but the new directive means the MGBSFL and Maccabi Masters League will need to follow suit – with teams denied access to training and matches with immediate effect.
Four matches went ahead in the MGBSFL on Sunday, with North London Raiders clinching the Division One title, and there were three games completed in the MMFL. But the leagues have now released statements confirming there will be no further matches for the foreseeable future.
Following the announcement, MGBSFL chairman David Wolff said: “The Management Committee have suspended the Maccabi GB Southern Football League with immediate effect until further notice.
“We will keep a constant watch on developments and advise you of updates. I strongly recommend that you read the London Football Association website. We obviously can’t say when (or even if) there will be a resumption of play for this season.”
A message from the FA and London FA confirmed the decision was made following advice “for people to avoid social contact and gatherings where possible with the priority being the health and wellbeing of all”.
A statement said: “We are in regular communication with the Government and the situation within English football at all levels remains under regular review. Further updates will follow as needed.”
Peter Morrison Trophy chairman Rob Richman explained the decision to halt this season’s Jewish FA Cup. “It has been decided to suspend the competition with immediate effect,” he said.
“We hope to reactivate the tournament when things have settled down but it is in the interest of all parties to take a halt in proceedings just now.”
Semi-finalists Hertswood Vale, HMH, Borussia Barnet and Manchester Maccabi 1st wait with baited breath.
In Manchester, the Chesman League has stopped for now, while the Manchester Jewish Soccer League has taken similar action.
A statement said: “In light of the current situation, the league management committee have decided to suspend all fixtures with immediate effect. The situation remains under constant review bearing in mind the ever-changing situation which is likely to prevail.”
Many junior players and their parents expressed frustration after junior football was postponed. Watford Friendly League executive secretary Tracy Hudson explained they “will take this a week at a time and advise accordingly. At this moment we cannot make the decision to end the league, according to County FA, however this may change again.”
MLFC have confirmed Rowley Lane is in lockdown. They are also among a number of clubs forced to reconsider arrangements for trials for next season. Away from football, several Maccabiah trials/get-togethers have been cancelled.
Maccabi GB chairman David Pinnick confirmed "no final decisions have been made concerning forthcoming community events which are due to take place this summer and beyond, and this includes our International Programmes".