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Danny Caro's Team of the Week: November 20

Players from Paris Saint-Jewmain, Camden Park, Borussia Barnet, Jewdinese, HMH, Oakwood, MLFC Blue, North London Galaxy, FC Team, North London Raiders and Reich feature in our latest master-class.

November 20, 2019 10:31
1 min read

1. JONI HIRSCHOWITZ (Paris Saint-Jewmain) - "one of the best goalkeeping performances his manager, Elio Elia, has seen in Jewish football. The stand-out moment was his double-save from a penalty at 0-0 to keep us in the game with 10 minutes to go". Man-of-the-match in the cup game against Division One title hopefuls North London Galaxy. Earned rave reviews from both managers

2. DAVID KHALATSCHI (Camden Park) - "had been ill all week but decided to play as the club were short in numbers. Got up and down the pitch and was constant menace. Hs determination and desire is something we can all take inspiration from"

3. SCOTT GREENFIELD (Borussia Barnet) - "ran the whole game and a big part of the reason we’ve only conceded 3 goals in 7 games"

4. ADAM GOLD (Jewdinese) - typically assured and commanding performance plus a goal in the big cup win over Division One rivals SPEC