
Spender or miser?

May 12, 2011 10:28
1 min read

Do we fit the stereotype? Are Jews a load of money grabbers, savvy business people or the same as everyone else? Now is your chance to find out. I have been working with BBC Lab UK, the corporation's mass participation experiment organisation, on the BBC's Big Money Test (

It involves a detailed psychometric test to examine your personal money personality type. You receive personalised results from yours truly assessing your money management skills, money motivation, money liabilities and your emotional connection with money and what you can do to improve them.

The underlying reason for doing this experiment is to help build information about financial capability to help policy makers. For me, this experiment is a key route that could help to get financial education in every school. Hopefully, with the data there will be more evidence to prove the need.

Big Money Test

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